Chen Yuting re-elected as East Head Coach, six new players joined


July 20, 2018, 11:48 Source: Hong Kong Kung Pao Ta

Photo: Chen Yuting (third from the left) and the team management and coaching group at the press conference to cut the pictures of the football team According to Hong Kong's "Ta Kung Pao" report, the Hong Kong Super League football team carried out public drills at King's Stadium & # 39; s Park yesterday and announced at a press conference that she was pursuing her studies and taking professional coaching courses. "Buffalo" Chen Niuting re-elected as head coach in the new season. After the "Niu Wan" has definitely regained the Eastern pointer, it was more tense than before, but the mood is now more mature. "Niu Maru" said that the goal of the new season of the team is to do everything to win the wave and win the championship.

Chen Yuting served as the East head coach in the 2015-16 and 2016-17 seasons. After about a year of study abroad, the "Niu Wan" who grew up expressed his feelings differently. She said, "A few years ago, the head coach was nervous and psychologically not ready. After experiencing ups and downs, I felt that I was growing a lot and I'm ready to redo l & # 39; head coach. The AFC Champions League suffered many losses in the 2016-17 season, and she is still worried about it, but said she was ready to stand up to meet the challenges. new challenges. She said: "Everyone makes mistakes, and after the mistakes, the experience accumulates … There is no guarantee that you will not make mistakes, but now you know how to take more precautions before the problem occurs.This is the biggest problem for the team and will focus on improving early in the season. "Dongfang also announced the Arrival of six new players yesterday, including Lin Jiawei, who played for Jay the previous season, and former striker Yuen Long voted top scorer of the Hong Kong football election at the last season 2017-18, Evaton and the Japanese-born Brazilian midfielder who borrowed from the Portuguese team Kova Piedadi, Liu Haolin and Yao Haoming from the "Nest of Return" to Yuen Long, and Xie Langxuan who came back from Li Wen. "Buffalo" means that the tactical deployment of the team will be adjusted.It believes that the players existing ones are not based on impact, the team will look for a more delicate and collective organization.

Dongfang also announced yesterday that Liang Zhenbang will be the captain of the team, the captain of last season Ye Honghui will be the vice captain with Digao. The East has also announced the signing of goalkeeper coach Fan Junye and British coach Graham to join the coaching group. The East will go to Foshan for a week of training next Monday, then travel to South Korea to train early August and play a warm-up match with the four Shih Hsin teams. FC, Gimpo FC, Hwaseong FC and Goyang Citizen FC in Korea.

[Edit: Li Qunying ]

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