China and South Korea improve relations China's maritime industry belongs to China in China – Free Asia Cantonese Radio (FRG)

China and South Korea improve relations The Korean marine industry will place Taiwan in China. Free Asia Cantonese Radio (FRG)

Relations between China and the Republic of Korea have gradually warmed and the number of visitors to South Korea has also rebounded sharply. At the same time, many foreign airlines have recently received a request from the mainland civil aviation authority asking them to indicate that Taiwan belongs to China. Among them, Asiana Airlines, the "leader" of the Korean aviation industry, has modified the official website to include Taiwan in the China column. However, Asiana Airlines has denied changes due to Chinese pressure. (Huang Letao report) The official website of Asiana Airlines has recently changed its name to "Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan". Taiwan no longer appears in the category "Southeast Asia" but belongs to "China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan". For this new arrangement, the station will call the Asiana Airlines office in Taiwan on Wednesday. The team said the change was made by the airline itself and had no connection with the mainland. The reporter asked: Is this your change this time at the request of the continent? Staff said: Our branch did not hear such news and the head office did not have a letter. Such a demand, our change is very simple: the language and the reaction of the consumer. Consumers in Taiwan often call and complain about not finding Taiwan. How can it be divided into Southeast Asia, what? Why does Chinese speak in Southeast Asia? So we have this change. MAC staff asked reporters to leave their contact information and wait for an answer. The staff said: Do you help to ask, is it convenient for you to leave a contact? So answer with you, ok? However, no response was received before the deadline on this page. The station sent an email to the Civil Aviation Administration of China to inquire about the situation, but has not received any response. Liu Dehai, a professor of diplomacy at Taiwan's National Chengchi University, said the mainland's demand for airlines to include Taiwan in the Chinese column would certainly hurt the feelings of the Taiwanese people. …

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