China calls on official media to ban banned words such as "Republic of China" – Voice of America Chinese (VOA)

China calls on official media to ban banned words such as "Republic of China" VOA Chinese Network (VOA)

On July 20, the official Xinhua news agency issued a new "forbidden words" and "cautious words", demanding that the words "China, Hong Kong", "China and Australia" and "Republic of China" do not appear in the official media. The Republic of China and the President of Taiwan. On July 20, the official Xinhua news agency issued a new "forbidden words" and "cautious words", demanding that the words "China, Hong Kong", "China and Australia" and "Republic of China" do not appear in the official media. The Republic of China and the President of Taiwan. The Xinhua News Agency on Thursday released a revised version of the "New Words and Precautions in the Xinhua News Agency," which mostly states the words and terms used by Chinese journalists in reporting on Hong Kong, Macau. and Taiwan. For example, the Xinhua News Agency said that Hong Kong, Macao and China should not be mentioned side by side, such as "China and Hong Kong", "China and Australia", Hong Kong and Macao should match to the mainland, not to say "occupation of the Chinese movement", but to say "illegal occupation" or "violation of the law"; not to mention the transfer of sovereignty to Hong Kong, but to say that China takes over the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong and Macao, the central leadership in Hong Kong should be described as an "inspection" rather than "a visit ". The regulations of the Xinhua News Agency also apply to Taiwan, and it is imperative that the "Republic of China" and "China and the United States" not appear. The requirements of the regulations should not be considered as "Taiwan President", but as "Taiwan Region Leaders", "Taiwan" corresponding to "mainland motherland" or "mainland". In international organizations involving Taiwan, such as the World Trade Organization, it should be called "members of the World Trade Organization" and not "members". The Taiwan Business Council criticized the new Beijing regulation. The spokesman of the Department of Continental Affairs, Qiu Chengzheng, said that the Chinese media reports should fully reflect the current situation and respect the facts of the Republic of China.

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