China's pressure on "Taiwan" has changed its name to a deadline.What are the top three websites of US airlines? – The network of examination of the keys of the news


The Civil Aviation Administration of China sent a letter to 44 foreign airlines on April 25 to request that the name of Taiwan be changed, the color of Taiwan and China on the map being the same as the Chinese government. The 25th, Civil Aviation Administration of China publicly announced that "the other six still require an extension and a rectification." On the 24th, only the remaining three US airlines have "Taiwan" alongside China, but today (25) The three airlines have "compromised" and removed TW, but have not used " China Taiwan ".

According to the results of the network of key comments on the website of the traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and English versions of the three airlines before 18 July at 18:00, the results of Delta and United Airlines are deleted. The names of "Taiwan" and "China" behind the name of the airport, while American Airlines left "China" to take "Taiwan".

American Airlines Delta Airlines United Airlines
Traditional Chinese Version Holding China, Taking Taiwan Taiwan, China All Removed Taiwan, China Removed [19659010] Simplified Chinese Version Holding China, Taking Taiwan Taiwan, China Are All Removed Taiwan, China are All Abducted
English Version Holding China, Taking Taiwan [19659008] Taiwan and China are all abolished Taiwan and China are all abolished

(Central News Agency) American Airlines Group Inc. (25) confirmed today (25) that it has changed the name of the official website on Taiwan, and the other two The major US airlines should follow tomorrow to avoid being punished by China.

Reuters reported earlier today that three airlines, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines Inc. and United Airlines, will change the name tagged for Taiwan Airport on the official website. Reuters consulted the official website of American Airlines and found that only the code of Taipei Airport and Taipei City were listed, and "Taiwan" was not seen.

Beijing earlier asked foreign companies not to use the name "Taiwan" on the official website, especially the airlines, which the White House called in May "Orwell-style mumbo-jumbo". China has asked companies to change the official name of Taiwan on the official website before July 25, 2010. Last month, they refused the request of the United States for this negotiation. The Sino-US relationship, tense because of trade disputes, has become more tense.

Hawaiian Airlines has previously changed Taiwanese Taipei from the drop-down list on the official site in "Taipei, Taipei". The reporter asked the US Department of State and the White House and received no response.

"Washington Post" reports that if the airline violated China's wishes, it bore a huge economic risk, as China's pbadenger numbers in 2017 were 549 million pbadengers this year. Nearly 200%. China can make it difficult for these airlines to operate in many ways, including tightening regulations, dropping websites, directing airlines to avoid these companies, or reducing the number of people traveling to China. United States.

The practices of different airlines are different.The English interface is still in Taiwan

(Central News Agency) At the request of the Administration of Civil Aviation of China, Many airlines have changed the name of the official Taiwan site, including Lufthansa, Air Canada and British Airways.

  British Airways Taiwan renamed and changed its name in China Photo Credit: taken from British Airways website

China's limited time airlines change the official site for Taiwan, many airlines in the United States have from the practices, American Airlines (American Airlines removed the original Taiwan, but did not write "China, Taiwan" according to the Chinese official requirements.

The Administration of the United States. China's civil aviation sent a letter to 44 foreign airlines on April 25 to ask them to change their respective official sites in order to mark Taiwan, the initial period being only 30 days and extended until the 25th July As the deadline approaches, in the evening of 24, US time around 10:30, has inquired the official website of many airlines in the United States, only American Airlines has changed the content d u official website to explain Taiwan.

When American Airlines introduced the English option at the place of departure or destination, only the words "Kaohsiung International Airport" and "Taoyuan International Airport" and the English KHH and TPE codes of the Airport were added after the name of the airport. Note that Taiwan's English shorthand has disappeared.

It should be noted that although the AA have changed the labeling of Taiwan, the Civil Aviation Administration of China has clearly asked in the official documents to the airlines that the official website each airline indicates Taiwan as "China." Both Lufthansa and British Airways have done so, and changes in AA are not fully in line with Chinese official requirements.

In fact, there is no There is no policy statement in the original booking system of many airlines in the United States: for example, AA, United Airlines and Delta Air Lines indicate only "place of departure" and "destination." Country or Region

" Wind Media "reported that Wu Hao had previously suggested that airlines take a compromise approach to listing the cities of Taiwan without marking whether it belongs to a country or another country.Laurence n Aviation Association issued a statement stating: "As the United States In other industries, the US aircraft industry is a global industry and must adhere to the laws of the landlord countries.When the industry Aerospace is starting to implement the solution, the Association and the US airlines concerned thank the government for providing us with guarantees and guidance.

Among the airlines that cooperate with the revised official website, some operators (JAL, ANA) have chosen to express Taiwan as "China Taiwan" only in the simplified Chinese page, in traditional Chinese, English and Japanese "Taiwan" has not been changed to "China." Taiwan. "Korean Air and Vietnam Airlines will cancel the names of Northeast Asian cities like Beijing and Taipei, but the cities of 39 other regions such as Europe and Southeast Asia still mark the name of the country.

"Reporting" reported that Emirates, Air Canada, Lufthansa and British Airways, Qantas and other companies have already complied with China's requirements to make changes. On June 12, Singapore Airlines and the Singapore Airlines Group's low-cost airlines, Taiwan's official destinations on the official website, including Taipei and Kaohsiung, were listed under "China Taiwan". Cathay Pacific of Hong Kong has also changed the name of Taiwan's destination point to "China Taiwan" on the website today. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Yan Shuang said on January 24 that "the principle of one China is the political basis for the stable development of Sino-US relations and can not be negotiated and negotiated" . We hope that the US government will urge the companies concerned to respect the principle of a single China and to make improvements to their websites as soon as possible. "

" Joint News Network "reports that the spokesman of the US State Department Nolte was questioned.He said that he had not seen the position of the American society succumb to the Chinese government and advised the media to learn about US companies, but reiterated that the US side is opposed to government agencies asking private companies to sign.

A spokesman for the US government State told reporters that the Chinese government was well aware of the US position and that it strongly opposed China's attempt to compel private companies to use it in their content A specific language of a political nature, US airlines should not be forced to comply with this order, and the US position has not changed. "Central News Agency" reported that the divul Foreign media ligation, the major US airlines will take a fuzzy road, marking the name of the destination in the Chinese and English versions of the site, but there will be no "Chinese Taipei" or "China" Taiwan " name.

In appearance, the approach of American Airlines seems to be a win-win situation, which is in line with Beijing's requirements, does not allow Washington to be embarrbaded and can continue to make business in China. But in the long run, this is not a wise decision. The choice of US airlines to compromise with authoritarian state machines amounts to giving up some of the corporate autonomy, allowing an authoritarian regime like Beijing to do what it wants. The Beijing authorities have tasted this time of sweetness and in the future they will be even more unscrupulous and will continue to expand and use their own forces to buy, win and coerce foreign companies, organizations or individuals to sell.

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Publisher of the verification: Yang Zhiyu

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