Chinese experts are absent from the group because of a refusal | COSPAR | Zhang Hengyi No.1 New TV Tang Dynasty


New York time:

2018-07-19 01:43 PM

At a large-scale international conference on space science held in the United States, the continental satellite experts who were originally the protagonists were collectively absent because they were n & # 39; 39, had no visa. (Screenshot of microblogging screen)

[NewDynastieTangtempsdeBeijingJuillet192018] At a large-scale international conference on space science held in the United States, the mainland satellite experts who were originally the protagonists, but not collectively Absent

The ninth International Conference on Space Research (COSPAR), which began on the 14th, was launched in Pasadena, California, USA, and marks the 60th anniversary of NASA. More than 2,200 space scientists from around the world participated.

"Space Crafts" certified science blogger posted a message on Weibo on July 16, "Seismic-Electromagnetic Satellite (ESHC) and Electromagnetic Monitoring Satellite in the COSPAR Conference During the breakout session, the club president has announced at the opening ceremony on the 15th that the protagonists of this club, the Chinese experts, were all absent from the group because they had no visa.

a large-scale international conference on space science that was held in the United States, experts from the continent's satellites who were originally the protagonists were collectively absent because they were not 39; had no visa. (Capture microblogging screen)

In addition, the National Center for Space Science (NSSC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is also one of the sponsors this year's COSPAR conference.

The mainland media "Observer Network" reported that Shen Xuhui, the chief scientist of the "Zhang Heng No.1" satellite project, confirmed by the bulletin that the Chinese experts concerned had not obtained visa. Regarding the reasons for the refusal, he stated that the specific situation is not very clear.

The COSPAR secretariat replied by e-mail that it was not possible to confirm the reasons for the presence or absence.

The United States Embbady in China said that no refusal consultation is scheduled, the US visa service center's customer service staff said that it is necessary to check the information of the visa applicant before answering.

According to page 122 and pages 187 and 188 of the COSPAR conference manual, the COSPAR conference has the theme "CSES" (Zhang Heng No. 1) on July 15 and 16, local time. Arranger

At the same time, Shen Xuhui also confirmed that the Italian expert who cooperated with China on "Zhang Heng No. 1" attended the meeting.

According to public information, the COSPAR conference is the largest and most important academic conference of the international space science community, and is held every two years by the International Council on Space Research. In 2006, the conference was held in China for the first time.

(Reporter Xiao Jing full report / responsible editor: Qin Feng)

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