Chinese Minister: An American ship visits the Taiwanese force uniform – Free Asia Cantonese Radio (FRG)

Chinese Minister: US Ship Visits Taiwan Forces Free Uniform Asia Radio Cantonese (FRG)

The US Congress pbaded the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act authorizing US and Taiwanese warships to exchange visits. China reacted harshly by referring to the day when US military ships went to Taiwan when the People's Liberation Army used force to unite Taiwan. The media reported on Saturday (9 September) that China's ambbadador to the United States, Li Kexin, went to the Chinese embbady in Washington on Friday in front of participating foreign and foreign students. at the symposium, citing the US Congressional clearance of defense in 2018. The law mentions a serious violation of the spirit of diplomatic relations between China and the United States and also violates the anti-secession law of the United States. China, pointing out that he had already pointed out to US Congressmen that "US warships would come to Taiwan". It was the day the People's Liberation Army used force to unify Taiwan. "Li Kexin pointed out that the US ship had to get China's agreement to go to Shanghai." If China wants to go to Taiwan, China will definitely disagree. "If the US is forced to leave the anti-secession law will be implemented Li Kexin pointed out that it was certainly not a joke and reiterated that "China's affairs are solved by itself." The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan said it was striving to promote peaceful and stable cross-Strait relations, criticizing the continent's leaders for regularly forcing and intimidating and hurting the feelings of people on both sides of the strait. said she would not succumb to the intimidation of the mainland and urged the mainland to respect the Taiwanese public opinion in which she hoped now deny the status quo and resolve disputes through dialogue.

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