CIA and FBI warn: CCP launches invisible cold war has become number one threat |


[New Dynastie Tang heure de Beijing, Juillet 22, 2018] "Aspen Security Forum" recently took place in Colorado, USA. When senior officials from the CIA and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) spoke at the forum, they all talked about the CCP's serious threat to US national security. According to the Taiwan Free Times, Michael Collins, deputy badistant director of the CIA's East Asia and Pacific Missionary Center, told the Aspen Security Forum on 20 October that the CCP is quietly talking to United States. The launch of a new Cold War aims to replace the United States as the world's superpower.

Collins' badysis said that the Chinese Communist regime has silently eroded the benefits of the United States from all aspects of the whale, using various means to "weaken or weaken adversaries adversely in the economic realms" and military, "but on the surface also make sure that no direct conflict actually occurs.

He emphasized that the ultimate goal of the CCP is to undermine the influence of the United States in the world and to push countries to stand by the CCP when it weighs political interests and takes decisions consistent with the intentions and patterns of the CCP. Beijing defines the US-China conflict as an "institutional conflict," which accurately reflects the underlying attempt.

Finally, Collins concludes that China (the CCP regime) has many more challenges for the United States than Russia and that it is the number one threat to the United States.

According to a Commercial Insider report on July 19, prior to Collins' statement, FBI director Christopher Wray also published similar opinions at the Aspen Security Forum.

At that time, someone asked if he thought the CCP was an American adversary. If so, what level of PCC is the opponent?

Christopher Ray responded, "I believe that from the point of view of counterintelligence, the CCP is the largest, most difficult, and most important threat we face as a country in many ways. . "

Explain: "This is a complete national action: not only do they send traditional spies, but they also send economic espionage, they send not only traditional intelligence personnel, but also collectors non-traditional intelligence, broadening physical espionage. "

Ray said that the CCP's economic spies are now spread across the 50 states of the United States and involve all regions, even corn seeds of the United States. Iowa at Mbadachusetts wind turbines. Objective The FBI is currently conducting a survey on the economic espionage of the CCP in each state, which the United States can not underestimate.

Lei said, "It (the CCP spying) involves academics, it involves research and development, it involves everything from agriculture to high technology and its threat to the United States. United is more widespread, longer and longer term.

Ray said that the CCP was trying to "replace the role of the United States." Although the United States must actively deal with Russia, it is more Concerned by the CCP's ambition to become the "sole superpower and the only economic power."

Lei also pointed out that people in Western countries have begun to have a broad consensus on attempts to "get the job done." infiltration and intervention of the CCP He saw a consensus among the different departments within the US government and saw a consensus on Capitol Hill. Start waking up. "

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