Comments: 2018 World Cup, Russia won more than football – Hong Kong Sina


Original title: Comments: 2018 World Cup, Russia won more than football

China News Network Moscow July 15 Power: 2018 World Cup, Russia won more than football

Reporter Wang Xiujun Wang Muqing

On July 15, the 2018 Russia World Cup, described as "best in history" by the president of the International Football Association, Infantino, is completed in Moscow.

It is the first time in the history of Russia to host the World Cup. In this historic football event, the Russian team stubbornly killed, Lectra stronger teams, squeezed into the quarter-finals, but not won, but created the best results of Russian football after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The wonderful performance of the closing ceremony of the Russian World Cup. China press agency reporter Mao Jianjun photo

In addition to football achievements, in a month, Russia also reaped more, really won the victory outside of football.

First, Russia successfully used the World Cup to promote its own economic development. According to the Organizing Committee of the Russian World Cup, Russia has spent more than $ 14 billion before the game to build stadiums and improve transportation and urban infrastructure. But Russia's earnings are much higher than the inputs. According to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dvorkovic, Russia has added about 220,000 jobs. Over the next five years, Russia will add 160,000 to 240,000 additional jobs.

The Russian tourism industry has also developed. According to the Russian Tourism Administration, during the World Cup, fans of all Russian countries spent more than 2 billion US dollars. After the World Cup, the number of visitors to Russia will increase from 14% to 18% over the same period last year. In addition, the Russian hotel industry, the restaurant industry and the souvenir market have also benefited from the World Cup. According to the badysis, only the flow of people around the World Cup will result in a 0.2% increase in Russian GDP.

Second, the World Cup has greatly changed the image of the Russian state. In the description of the Western media that occupied the summit of world communication, Russia has always appeared in a negative image. Coupled with the previous Cup of Europe, Russian football hooligans shot in France, but also worsened the picture of Russian and Russian fans.

Before the start of the World Cup, many countries published a guide that included "how to avoid being kidnapped in Russia", "how to avoid Russian hooligans", "avoid drinking with Russians", etc. . These surveillance guides, which the Russian Foreign Ministry calls "anti-Russian materials," reflect to some extent the image of Russia in the hearts of the people of some countries.

But in fact, the World Cup is well organized and well organized, and there have been no violent incidents against foreign supporters and tourists. At the same time, fans from all over Russia are enthusiastic and show the tradition of Russian hospitality. Infantino commented that Russia has created an incredible pbadion, "to make the world change its impression of Russia".

On June 28, at the local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin and FIFA President Infantino visited the 2018 World Cup theme park on Moscow's Red Square.

Putin also thinks that Russian fans are doing their best to create a good atmosphere for fans around the world, but also for fans to feel welcome. People see Russia as a warm and friendly country. "Many stereotypes about Russia have collapsed."

In addition to "money" and "face", this World Cup opened a new situation for Russia, deeply mired in diplomatic difficulties.

Due to the Crimean problem and the crisis in the east of Ukraine, relations between Russia and the West have fallen to the "freezing point" after the end of the cold war a few years ago. The events of the United States, Russia and Syria, as well as the former Russian intelligence personnel in the poisoning of the British, have aggravated Russia's diplomatic isolation.

But the World Cup has provided Russia with an opportunity to improve its diplomatic situation. During the World Cup, the Heads of State and Government of the Republic of Korea, the French President, the Hungarian President, King Philip, and the King of Spain Philip VI also traveled to Russia . Look at the World Cup. For a time, guests of Putin Yingmen.

Forbes News, in the United States, used "troop troops" to describe this foreign leader's "travel tide" and believed that Russia was using the World Cup to launch a "sports charm offensive" ".

According to the Keke News Service, at the World Cup, Putin held a meeting with leaders of different countries and the head of state. Despite the fact that these meetings are essentially indiscriminate and do not deal in depth with international problems, the diplomatic isolation of Russia will not be solved by a World Cup, but these meetings are important and have marked an important step in Russia's efforts to improve geopolitical relations. As Forbes News said, Putin has become the "real winner" of this World Cup. (End)

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