Commercial war ignited the crisis of the Chinese Communist Party divided "Party of Party Affairs" was accused of misleading Xi Jinping | Wang Huning |


[New Dynastie Tang heure de Beijing, Juillet 07, 2018] The Sino-US tariff war officially opened on July 6, and Beijing is increasingly facing "life and death choices". At the same time, they began to target the "unscrupulous business clerk" and the "hidden conservatives" who vigorously defended the war, hiding Wang Huning, a member of the Chinese Communist Party's Standing Committee, responsible for party affairs and Propaganda.

Taiwan's media recently published an editorial, citing "circle insiders" saying that Wang Qishan, Liu He, Wang Yang, Hu Jintao and other pragmatists know that the national force is exhausted and unbearable. But "the party members who are not practical" and the "conservative conservatives" strongly defend nationalist sentiments and advocate war with the United States.

People inside the circle also said that Xi Jinping did not know whether to maintain balance within the party or condemn the conservatives with a large number of people for their allow to fight hard. However, the Sino-US trade war led to a sharp deterioration of the Chinese economy: the authorities had to order the removal of nationalist channels of conservatives and party cadres and announced the opening of the portal for "play a white flag" in the United States.

Insiders said that Xi could balance the main battle between the CCP and the main faction and the two factions. However, the situation is convincing and Beijing needs to review and review the measures taken so far and adjust current policies and policies.

The article did not mention the name "of a party member who is not practical," but according to the internal work of the CCP, the Politburo Standing Committee responsible for party affairs is Wang Huning.

In addition, the documentary system of Wang Xuning, too harsh on trade wars, has been widely criticized: recently, he was frequently criticized by the party and the authorities ordered the downgrading of the official media.

Foreign media cited the CCP's internal news that the authorities had banned mainstream media from mentioning the "Made in China 2025" plan and strictly banning Trump's attack. In addition, the CCP spokesman, "People's Daily," has published a series of articles criticizing "the United States is afraid of the urine" and the "first" CCP propaganda.

At the end of June, the Internet published a speech by Liu Yadong, editor-in-chief of the Chinese Communist Party's "Technology Daily". In his speech, Liu criticized "the Spirit, my country" launched by the Zhongxuan system as a historical project, calling the "four new major inventions", the "catching up" and even showing the "first paradox of the CCP" . Not only did they deceive their superiors, they deceived the public, they even badped themselves, which resulted in "confusing the country and the people".

In addition, although Liu Yunshan, a member of the Jiangpai Standing Committee, retired, he was responsible for the propaganda system for many years, and there should still be many Jiangpai parties in the country. propaganda.

In addition, the Hong Kong media also published information to blame the CCP officials and the party media. On July 6, the Hong Kong media "Hong Kong 01" published an exclusive interview with several Chinese officials, accusing "the partial officials and the media of the party" of "distorting Xi Jinping's ideas" and rushed to challenge the status of the United States. And pretend to be responsible for them.

US media have already commented that the trade war has made Xi Jinping a "political crisis" and created opportunities for the anti-study forces of the Chinese Communist Party. If the attitude of harshness leads to a trade war, the power gap will surely plunge the CCP's economy and Xi Jinping will be responsible for it: if he learns to avoid trade wars, he will also be attacked as "weakly sellers" and "inefficient countries". Xi Jinping is in a dilemma, and he is more likely to find a balance between the two factions.

However, the Trump administration is ready to fight the trade war, and the Chinese economy will face a great crisis: if the trade war continues to intensify, it may cause the Collapse of the Chinese economy. In this case, Beijing may have to make strategic adjustments.

From June 28 to July 1, Beijing has intensively launched opening measures on the outside world for four days, involving major sensitive areas such as energy, rare earths, power grid, finance and the automobile. According to the French media, its opening is "unprecedented" for 40 years.

The Hong Kong "South China Morning Post" recently reported that Xi Jinping set the tone for the domestic trade war: one principle is that the trade war "must strike", but to control the scale and avoid threatening yourself. China continues to open. "

The badysis believes that, given the possibility that foreign governments" block "the opening of the CCP market is almost zero, the last words of Xi Jinping will probably be directed against the CCP. [19659003] (Full report of journalist Li Jie / publisher: Ming Xuan)

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