Complete five breaks at a time! It only takes 90 minutes to crack the whole game series "Dust and Rain" :: Game Base game


There were 5 works in the "Dust and Rain" series, and in 1997, the American turn-based RPG played the game to show players the fascination of the fallow world. It's become the first-person action RPG game, which for the first time has attracted the most important players to join the 3D and real-time combat elements: in 2015, it launched the success "Dust-to-Drug 4". The pbadion of this series.

  falloutgames "title =" falloutgames "src =" "data-original =" " Data-mobile = "" data-id = "3820175" data-pad = " .jpg "/> <br /><span>  There are five works in the series" Dust and Rain "which have been published up to here </span></div>
<p>  Each work of the series" The Afterglow "can be considered as a chef-d & RPG, but if you want How long will it take for a series of works? Recently, a player made this attempt, challenging the "Lessons of Dust", "The Other Dust 2" "," The Other Dust: New Dimensions "Gbad and" The Aftermath 4 ", the documentary film for the challenge. </p>
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The challenger in the film is Tomatoanus, a player who likes to challenge the fast break gameplay, and this time The series of challenges did not pose too much difficulty s: It took only 33 minutes to solve the 1, 2 and 3. In less than an hour and a half, the total time was reached. Mission, if the player is also a fan of the series "Dust of the Rain", do you want to try to challenge him?

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Once Breaking Five Models The Madman has only spent 90 minutes to break the entire series "Dust and Rain "
The series" The Afternoon "has been launched so far, and there were 5 in 1997. In 1997, the American RPG turn-based game. Demonstrating the charm of taking risks in the fallow world, in 2008, "Dust 3" became the first person action R …

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