Coping with cross-border vaccination in the supply expansion in mainland China ahead of schedule | Real-time | Economic Daily


In response to cross-border vaccination in mainland China, Hong Kong has expanded supplies to prepare for rain

2018-07-28 15:34 Reporter Lin Tingyao reporter immediately reported [19659003] According to Reuters, Hong Kong's Western Medical Union president, pediatrician Yang Chaofa recently told the media that he thought the demand for five-in-one vaccines (prevention of whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, Haemophilus B) will double in a few months. He pointed out that about 10% of the "five-in-one" vaccinators in Hong Kong's private hospitals are infants and young children from mainland China.

On July 15, the FDA discovered that Changchun's rabies vaccine fraud Changsheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was based on report cues, and that children were prevented from breaking the 250,000 pertussis vaccines (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus). The sanction was RMB 3.44 million, but the vaccine was used in Shandong, Hebei and Chongqing provinces, causing widespread dissatisfaction among parents across the continent. This scandal has shaken the confidence of the continental people in the public vaccination system.

Currently, about 95% of vaccine preparations on the Chinese market are produced by domestic manufacturers. In Hong Kong, many private hospitals use imported vaccines, generally produced by major international pharmaceutical groups such as GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi.

A 31-year-old mother from Shenzhen visits her "Yu Miao Club" in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. She said that she had decided to let her child travel to Hong Kong very early to get vaccinated, and after the scandal, she was luckier: "I've already looked at this problem. think the Hong Kong vaccine is better, so I'm here. "" Yi Miao Club "said the number of inquiries in mainland China has increased five to six times.

At present, Changsheng Biotechnology Company has become the target of public criticism. The CCP police, the anti-corruption department and the drug monitoring department have already investigated the company. Prime Minister Li Keqiang and President Xi Jinping said that they had asked the relevant departments to conduct a serious investigation into the truth and that they felt it was necessary to strengthen and improve the management system. vaccines in mainland China.

Hong Kong has become a "safe haven" for Chinese food and drug security in recent years and many Chinese consumers have invaded Hong Kong to buy powdered milk and get vaccinated. Yang Chaofa, chairman of the Hong Kong Western Medicine Union, said that the supply of vaccines in Hong Kong is stable. Sanofi spokesperson and GlaxoSmithKline also made the same statement.

Zhuang Renxiang, deputy director of the Weifu Department's Department of Disease Control, said the vaccine was different from the three-in-one vaccine in mainland China, and five children are immunized against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. For the protection of polio and Haemophilus B, only Taiwanese children can use the five-in-one vaccine, and children of the mainland can not benefit from this well-being in Taiwan.

Zhuang Renxiang explained that the five-in-one vaccine is a public spending project and that the parents of a child have a residence permit in Taiwan, they can also be vaccinated for free at the same time. actual hour. Supply, inventory can be used for more than three months, so that Taiwanese do not have to worry about the fact that the mainland people coming to Taiwan to be vaccinated, can bring their children in the hospital for medical services.

  The vaccine scandal has shaken the confidence of the people of the continent in the public vaccination system. (from the Internet)
Vaccine scandals undermine the confidence of the people of the continent in the public vaccination system (from the Internet)

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