"Counterattack on the Continent" sparked controversy "The GQ incident" has been prolonged – DW (Chinese) – Voice of Germany

"Counter-attack on the mainland" provoked controversy "The GQ event" is extended DW (Chinese) – Voice of Germany

(German Voice Chinese Network) Du Zuye, editor of the Taiwanese version of GQ magazine, was to take over as editor of the Chinese version of GQ magazine. But because of "personal reasons", suddenly was not hired. According to the Taiwanese media, it is very likely that Du Zuye organized a "counterattack on the continent" during his farewell party. In response to this case, the Taiwan Times Power General calls Xu Yongming to criticize on Facebook. Beijing is trying to promote the atmosphere of horror around the world in order to force countries to comply with Chinese values. He said: "Economic development is remarkable, but the spirit does not seem to be synchronized, nor feudal China, any more than the Qin Shihuang era!" Fan Shiping, professor at the Institute of Political Science of the Taiwan Normal University, accepted the visit of the German voice, "Now China A little political humor is not allowed He said that this kind of pressure was kind of a chilling effect. "It's also joking that even if you really want to" counterattack the continent ", because it's not the only thing that's going on. Taiwan independence, China should be happy. This kind of incident shows that the Chinese Communist regime has no self-confidence. Lin Juan, keynote speaker of the China Personnel Supervisor Association, has published a book to discuss issues on which Taiwanese must pay attention when they work in China. In an interview with Deutsche Welle, she said that although "counter-attacking the continent" is just a joke, the event was photographed and broadcast on social media. "China is very cautious about media and public information, so if it spreads, it can trigger a series of events, so control is inevitable," she said. said to Taiwanese who wish to work in China and deal with political and historical issues, as well as Taiwanese identity. Be particularly careful. This principle has not changed for ten or so years. After the GQ incident, this caused heated discussions in social media. According to several Taiwanese media reports, the Taiwanese Business Council has been questioned about the case, saying that "the recent political reflections of the Chinese mainland have reached an infinite level of arbitrary arbitrations and accusations. It is not uncommon for crimes to be condemned. "Also called for the station …

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