[Coupe du Monde] Croatian captain who grew up during the war Moody's war broke the sheep's infancy – Hong Kong Economic Times – TOPick – Parent-child


The 2018 World Cup finally sets up, France beats Croatia 4-2 and wins the World Cup after 98 years. Although hatred has ended, but Croatia has repeatedly won the championship, and his performance has already made the world awesome. Croatia is not a traditional power, but this year there are many stars, and the best star is naturally the Real Madrid midfielder, Moody.

Moody is the captain of the Croatian national team and, behind the glory of today, he has an underrated childhood childhood. Recently, more and more internet users in a YouTube documentary have discovered that he was a sheep in the mountains when he was a kid.

In childhood, fragments of sheep were exposed in the mountains

The disintegration of Yugoslavia in the 1990s allowed Moody to grow up in a chaotic and arduous environment From the earliest age. When he was a child, he put sheep in the mountains, and producer Pavle Balenovic made a documentary on wolves in the vicinity of his house, just as Modi, 5, was on sheep.


At the time, Modi, 5 years old, was wearing a large coat, holding the branches and placing the sheep and the film that he was living only in a simple stone house. Pavle Balenovic added that the war had not yet erupted and that the war had not yet destroyed the house of the Modis. Later, following the outbreak of the war, Modi's grandfather was killed by the gunmen, he fled with his family and took refuge in an old hotel in the city of Zadar as than refugee.

There is no water in the hotel, only the shots that are sometimes heard outside. During free time, Moody used the parking lot in front of the hotel as a football field and kicked from time to time. The bad environment did not cover his talent and his light, the skills he showed in the parking lot attracted the attention of the scouts and, at the age of 16, he joined the Croatian team in Zagreb. And Moody, who got the contract, bought the apartment for the whole family at first, completely changing the fate of a family.

Moody rarely mentioned this past, he only said in his interview that

I was only six years old and that the days were very difficult. I remember very clearly, but I do not want to think anymore. This war has made me stronger. I do not want to wear it forever, but I do not want to forget it.

Later he moved to Tottenham Premier League, 12 years old and then transferred to Real Madrid giants to play until now, has always been the basic player of the team.

Little Little Strong Will

Moody's size is only 1.7 meters, but the performance on the ground is contrary to his slim appearance, but he did not not shy away from big opponents; He never gave up adversity. When the teammates were "besieged" by the opponents, Captain Modric was not afraid of an opponent who was higher than him, he always stood up for the teammates.

His strong will can also be reflected in his racing data. Croatia's three consecutive playoffs have been extended, and the accumulated time is the highest of any participating teams. According to statistics, Moody is also the player who has participated the most in this World Cup: in six games, he has traveled 63 kilometers.

Although he did not win the World Cup, he won the Golden Globe Award at this World Cup, and I believe it's also an excellent confirmation of his outstanding performance.

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