[Coupe du Monde Sept] The Hong Kong men's team succumbed to the coach of the second bowl of money Zhuang Paul satisfied with the new soldier's performance | UPower


After returning to Hong Kong, the team will return to the "Asian Games" and the "Asian Rugby Rugby Series"

The Hong Kong Men's Rugby Union Team at the " World Cup "in San Francisco In the finals bowl of money, unfortunately lost in Chile at 07:20. Hong Kong finally finished the "World Cup" tour with 18th place in 24 teams. New Zealand beat England and broke the record three times.

Photo of the Hong Kong Rugby League

The slow start of the old problems of the Hong Kong team resulted in the first half to be led by Chile from 15: 0. After the change of camp, Li Kadu scored the team within 9 minutes of play, and captain Ben Rimene threw a free throw to catch up at 7:15. However, in 3 minutes, Chile also used the color to pull the score at 20: 7 and keep the win until the end.

The Hong Kong team has only failed four interceptions in the future, and all four errors have been turned into touchdown. The coach of the Hong Kong team, Paul John, said after the match: "Chile is a very strong team, although I lost on the other side, I I'm not too disappointed. " "Our performance is pretty good." The hand was not as good as the semi-finals, so it's understandable not to win. "He continues," The team has won two wins and two losses. in this competition, it's not bad, I hope the players will be in this position. "Zhou has income."

The photo of the general rugby club Boots Hong Kong

Zhuang Paul against three rookies Alessandro Nardoni, Liam Herbert and Max Denmark He was particularly pleased with the performance: "They have performed well for the first time in high level events and they look forward to their performance in the future."

Hugo Stiles and Li Zhongsi return from injury Lee Jones will inject more power into the Asian Games and the Asian Rugby Series in August. Zhuang Paul said: "This time, some players have not accompanied the team and after returning to Hong Kong, the team will return to" Asian Games "and" Asian Rugby ". Rugby Series "."

New Zealand AP picture

New Zealand won by 33:12, becoming the first AP team to win the World Cup

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