DBS: Do not have the intention to apply for a virtual banking license, welcome to HKMA to grant a loan with financial technology – Economic Link ET Net


16/07/2018 16:17

DBS: Does not intend to apply for a virtual banking license, welcomes HKMA to grant a loan for financial technology

"Agency Press Release 16th Special News "DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Zhang Jiansheng, Director of Institutional and Institutional Banking, said at the press conference
that he did not intend to apply for a banking license virtual in Hong Kong and would focus on the expansion of digital banking existing banks. Banking services, but will not reduce the workforce, but the number of people continues to increase. Ajay Mathur, Retail Banking and Wealth Management Director in Hong Kong, adds that DBS has made good progress in the digitization process
so there is no need to develop the virtual bank: currently, the investment of the group in scanning is about 5 per year. 100 million Singapore dollars.
In addition, the HKMA issued earlier guidelines to banks to allow banks to apply credit to business management and approval of financial credits
.Aday Mathur mentioned the following: welcomed the guidelines and felt that banking services could be simplified. DBS Bank will continue to develop services related to Big Data and other related services, and hopes to be able to launch loans approved by Financial Technology during this year.
Ajay Mathur continued that its applications are widely accepted by customers and will be available in the program
for mutual fund services in a few months. (ky)

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