[Débat sur les terres] means that Lin Zheng can not override the consultation report Huang Yuanhui: I believe that it will respect the public opinion (10:41) – 20180705 – Hong Kong News – Instant News


During the land tenure consultation period, general manager Lin Zhengyue expressed his support for the restoration plan, which seems inevitable in the long run and has led the public to question the position of the landlord. supply team. When the group chairman, Huang Yuanhui, attended the business exhibition, even the general manager or other officials could not override the results of the consultation, I believe that the director General would respect the public opinion.

Huang Yuanhui pointed out that any member of the group has his own opinions, but that no one can override the results of the consultation.The group will have no place of pre-establishment.After consultation, he will be submitted to the HKU for badysis, underlining the report of the group. The badysis of the University of Hong Kong is open: "How can we write black as white?" Huang Yuanhui said that if the results of the consultation ultimately reflect that the public does not support the claim, he will rely on social opinions.

The consultation period ended in September 2011. Lin Zhengyue said that, in response to the October policy report, the group could inform the government of the general direction of the consultation more early in the consultation period. Huang Yuanhui described the head of the executive and government officials as "impatient" and hoped that the public would be anxious. He pointed out that the consultation involves a large number of questionnaires and data splits, that it is impossible to provide a data-based badysis in September, that the conclusions obtained will not be objective and that it There will often be sudden and widely divergent opinions.

Huang Yuanhui added that previous consulting activities have listened to a lot of quality opinions, and if these opinions have clear general guidance, they can communicate with the government, but there are options to discuss different regions or professions. It is not appropriate to express it to the government, or it can only be summed up in opinions.

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