Democracy is disappointed by the return of Hong Kong to change the continent


Democracy is disappointed by the return of Hong Kong to change the continent

Hong Kong is back in the last twenty years and many people believe that its core values ​​are gradually disappearing. In the early days of the reunification of Hong Kong, the mainland-hungry Chinese for democracy and freedom hope to use the return of Hong Kong to promote the development of democracy on the continent, while gradually changing the national bureaucracy and corruption by strengthening trade. But national human rights activists are pessimistic about the current situation. They also stressed that if Hong Kong people do not actively defend one country, two systems, one country, one system will appear soon. (Reported by Huang Letao)

Zou Wei, a Hangzhou activist engaged in democratic activities for many years, said the continent has been in a closed state for many years. People did not enjoy freedom of speech or freedom of badembly, and had always believed that Hong Kong was a free and democratic society. Hong Kong is back on the continent and brought it to the path of democracy.

However, Zou Wei said that since the return of Hong Kong over the past 20 years, the development of democracy on the continent has not only failed, he has intensified his efforts to crack down on activists and lawyers of the human rights in recent years. Hong Kong has been driven by the continent and the freedom of democracy has been gradually withdrawn.

Zou Wei: In the last 20 years, we can say that the democratic freedom of the continent is very unsatisfactory, even if it affects Hong Kong, a country of this size and without democratic progress, then this large-scale situation is also slowed down. Hong Kong, this free port once full of freedom, is such a situation.

He pointed out that, although Hong Kong's democratic freedom has been eroded by the continent, he also said that one country, two systems will not disappear, because the situation of democracy and freedom on the continent continues to deteriorate. She is only temporary and believes in the idea of ​​freedom on the international scene. Under this trend, China will follow the international trend in the future and become a democratic society. Zou Yu also thinks the people of Hong Kong will do their best to protect the values ​​of society. Thus, the situation of a country and a system will not appear anymore in the future.

Zou Wei: Will there be one country, one system in Hong Kong? I do not think that will be the case. If there is a country and a system, it will prove that democracy in China is even worse because Hong Kong is a free port and millions. The compatriots built freedom together. I do not think they will let the vitality of a free port completely disappear. Even if democracy is in decline, it can not be eliminated.

Ye Xiaoyu, a defender from Guangdong Province accused of "seeking trouble" on the Internet and "authorities" from the mainland, expressed divergent opinions, saying that one country, two systems will disappear gradually and that a country, a system will disappear. Appeared.

Since Hong Kong has been badimilated by the continent and its fundamental values ​​have gradually disappeared, Hong Kong will continue to monitor the continent's institutional operations, such as the right to vote and the judiciary, as well as on the continent.

Ye Xiaotao believes that only the continent can give Hong Kongers the right to vote by universal suffrage so that the chief of the executive can not intervene economically in Hong Kong and the mainland authorities do not put pressure on Hong Kong to allow him to maintain a system, but he believes that the mainland authorities will fully give Hong Kong Freedom, this opportunity is very embarrbading.

However, he still advises the Hong Kong people not to sit back and fight for their rights and interests, otherwise Hong Kong will soon become a province of the continent and lose its independence completely.

Ye Xiaotong: It is now possible to see that a country, two systems have already changed and that it is already difficult to maintain because China has adopted various methods to control Hong Kong, it is impossible to maintain a country, two systems. In particular, the homeland of Hong Kong has already been destroyed by many people, especially on the continent. If the Hong Kong people do not fight for this, they can predict that in the near future, Hong Kong will become a Guangdong province like Shenzhen and Shanghai. The SAR is over.

He pointed out that if the continent intervenes again in Hong Kong's affairs, apart from the disappearance of one country and two systems, this would anger public opinion and that more and more people would support Hong Kong's independence and provoke a political crisis in society. More and more people are supporting the independence of Hong Kong, but it is felt that the independence of Hong Kong is difficult to succeed.

Ye Xiaotong: China is now engaged in these cases (intervention in Hong Kong affairs), which will arouse the resentment of most Hong Kong people, who will stand up and resist. The political situation in Hong Kong will become more and more agitated. I have the feeling that it is very difficult to succeed because Hong Kong has the Chinese garrison, Hong Kong is small and the Chinese power very powerful, the independence of Hong Kong should be difficult to obtain.

Ye Xiaotong said that although he is not a native of Hong Kong, he also hoped that Hong Kong could maintain its independence and hoped to influence the continent with the democratic ideas of Hong Kong. Therefore, even though he was sentenced to prison for supporting the "occupation movement", he will not be in the future. I will be scared and I will continue to work hard for democracy and hope that there will be real freedom on the continent and in Hong Kong in the future.

The Hungarians, who immigrated to Hong Kong and became part of Hong Kong, can comment on Hong Kong's return in the last 20 years from a pessimistic perspective.

Mr. Liao, a Hong Kong resident in Guangzhou, told Taiwanese that he was over 60 and had lived in Guangzhou and Hong Kong for many years and that the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return on his territory has not only progressed, but has also regressed. Has not given the people of Hong Kong true freedom.

Liao said the people of Hong Kong have been expressing their claim for universal suffrage for several years, but the government has not accepted the views of the people, with the mainland authorities running Hong Kong under high pressure. and making the people of Hong Kong increasingly dissatisfied. It also prompted some young people to promote Hong Kong's independence and to voice their appeal in another way. He stressed that in order to solve the current problem, the mainland authorities must respect their commitments and give the Hong Kong people real freedom.

Mr. Liao: You should have universal suffrage, the universal suffrage of the Legislative Council, the general suffrage of the director general. You must go back to the people of Hong Kong. Do you believe (the mainland authorities) believe in the people of Hong Kong? If you believe in the people of Hong Kong, bring it back to the Hong Kong people. Your commitment this year was as follows: in the past, you explained that, including Chen Zuoqi (former president of the National Hong Kong and Macao Research Association), etc., you explained that after the 97th election, as long as you apply to the central government, you agree (in fact, universal suffrage). The basic law is written.

Hong Kong has not implemented a single country, two systems for many years, all important decisions in Hong Kong are now controlled by the mainland authorities and candidates for the post of general manager are also determined by the authorities of the continent. When the mainland believes that one country, two systems threaten its regime, the mainland government can remove them at any time.

Regarding the rule of law, since the return of Hong Kong over the last 20 years, the continent has repeatedly intervened before the Hong Kong judiciary and has interpreted many interpretations, the most recent being the oath of Hong Kong Legislative Council and the final dismissal of former Legislative Council member Liang Yiheng and Yu Wei. As a member of the Legislative Council, the Hong Kong people also went to the streets many times to oppose the interpretation of the law by the mainland authorities, but the mainland government did not listen to the demands of the people of Hong Kong and finally insisted on interpreting it.

Mr. Liao encourages Hong Kongers. Even if the two countries and the two systems are not implemented in Hong Kong, Hong Kong people should not be discouraged and must fight for their rights.

Mr. Liao: Everyone has to come and express the opinions of the people or make calls on the street, the risks are there, but there are risks, should you pay for it, you say it is completely No need to pay, this is not very realistic. We must do it, do more and do less, and let people know that Hong Kong has a strength that recognizes the values ​​of the world.

Mr. Jia, a resident of Hubei Province who studied in Hong Kong and now works in Hong Kong, told the chain that he had arrived in Hong Kong five years ago and had worked there three years after Upon graduation, adding that over the last five years, Hong Kong had undergone many political changes. He believes that the continental authorities are increasingly restricting their freedom in Hong Kong and is worried about the gradual disappearance of both countries.

Mr. Jia: Actually, everyone has this kind of worry, everyone has the feeling that there is a tightening. When I arrived, I met the anti-national parade, and then there was a white paper (a white paper on both countries published in 2014). ), and the recent Li Bo incident, etc. In fact, Hong Kong's heart (the loss of one country, two systems) is understandable. In fact, these people really have these concerns. In fact, we do not know what will happen. We all have these feelings when we live in Hong Kong. I chose to live in Hong Kong and I hope that Hong Kong will maintain its leading position on the continent. I do not want Hong Kong to lose its identity.

He said he grew up on the continent and found that the latter often restricted the freedom of the people, who simply could not express their demands freely: in Hong Kong, regardless of speech and badembly, the degree of freedom is greater than that of freedom. from the continent, hopes Mr Jia. I can stay in Hong Kong for a long time and hope that the mainland authorities will not regulate Hong Kong too much.

Mr. Jia: Hong Kong is relatively free, everyone speaks and expresses their opinions, there will not be so many taboos, you will not be able to talk too much on the continent, otherwise it will cause you trouble , some people might harbad you, in fact, I do not like it. Therefore, I feel that this place in Hong Kong is now freer than the mainland. We should cherish it. We must not make Hong Kong a continent. I think the most profound thing is to connect to the Internet because it is online. It's very embarrbading, I do not want Hong Kong to become like the continent.

Over the last 20 years, the Hong Kong society has undergone many changes in politics and the rule of law, particularly in recent years. The current government and the new government have also done their best to repair their tears. Crack, try to maintain social harmony.

However, many people in Hong Kong feel that the government has not failed to repair the social tears and that it has failed to maintain the uniqueness of its country, its two systems.

Liang Yunxiang, a professor at the School of International Studies of Peking University, believes that one country, two systems will not disappear so easily.Although there are many contradictions between the China and Hong Kong, once a system is set, it will not change as easily. To take into account the international image, if it destroys one country, two systems, it will not benefit China and Hong Kong.

Liang Yunxiang: From the point of view of the situation, one system, two systems will certainly not change. There are many problems, for example, the central government and Hong Kong, even in Hong Kong, have an independent voice. But, basically, this system will not change. At the time, it was a country, two systems, and it had not changed in 50 years. If the situation changed, the reputation of Chinese society in the international community would be very bad and if Hong Kong became a country, the resistance of Hong Kong would be heard more. Great, it's really not good.

Liang Yunxiang said China and Hong Kong are two different countries from the point of view of the rule of law and freedom, because of different systems, conflicts inevitably between the country and the anger of the resistance of Hong Kong in recent years. There are two types of mutual integration, so that both parties can perfect one country and two systems.

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