Department of Transportation Tsim Sha Tsui 5 Board of Elimination Signaling Encourage Walking Test Two Years Involved in the Cost of 3 Million (20:42) – 20180719 – Hong Kong News – Instant News


Last year, the government proposed in the policy speech to promote a pedestrian friendly environment and create an "easy" city. The Department of Transportation today installed a "map-oriented pedestrian warning" at five locations in Tsim Sha Tsui to provide a simple and easy-to-follow pedestrian map indicating the walking distance within 5 to 15 minutes to encourage the public to walk more. The entire project will be tested for two years, at a cost of about 3 million dollars. If the public reacts well, the transport department will extend the study to other areas for install signs.

The Department of Transportation today launched the "Pedestrian Directional Marking Test System" in Tsim Sha Tsui District, implementing five pedestrian-oriented traffic signs and two direction indicators. to replace the Department of Transport. A traditional sign "blue and white".

The engineer Wu Yixin, in charge of the project, said that the five map-oriented signs were installed at both ends of the Star Ferry Pier, outside the Nathan Peninsula Hotel. , outside the International Plaza and Kowloon Park. There are two maps, ranging from far to near, showing a walking distance of 15 minutes and 5 minutes, which is about 400 meters to 1 kilometer, including important destinations, regional sites, traffic and the walks.

The panel design is based on foreign experiences such as the United States and the United States, providing three-dimensional images and maps to help the public find landmarks and plan pedestrian routes. 1965-600] He Jinsong, a chief engineer of the Department of Transportation, said that the entire project will be tested for about two years and that the Department of Transportation will collect public notices on how to improve the contents of the panels. He also said that the Department of Transportation is studying the relaxation of the requirement for the addition of a bridge to further create an "easy" city.

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