"Destiny" and Kun teach the English domineering Chen Zhanpeng: I go to school by bus


TVB "Destiny" was aired right after the "Flying Tigers" Guild Wars "" Destiny "was the theme of the 28th day before Yu's death, and an episode accounted for the countdown of the day. Bright and compact. And the first episode of Chen Zhanpeng played a generous and embarrbading role, and British businessmen talked about the business during the period of disappointment, fried Pang used the English to crush the aliens !

However, it is estimated that there is a plot in the story, then there is a parody in the middle of the game. Pan Pang teaches everyone to use English to chat trouble with English …

Author: Global Glue View TVB

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The new drama "Destiny" actually airs several episodes, and Chen Zhanpeng plays a traitor and a clumsiness, just as Liu Weiwei and Tan Junyan play the battle of the court.

At first, Chen Zhanpeng used to play a generous role, but all his singers found that the actors were all of a sudden, especially Chen Zhanpeng and Yao Zi Ling.

However, in recent days, there has been a collapse, and even an explosion of modern English, repeating the funny scene "sister's check"?

In fact, it is a masterpiece of the publishing group "See See TVB". In the original plot, in the first episode, he spoke with British businessmen of the business plan.The two men broke up.British businessman thought that Chen Zhanpeng did not understand English, so Chen Zhanpeng was greedy in English.

Chen Zhanpeng knows that he uses a lot of English, so he uses the Yao Zi sect to confuse the other person.Chen Zhanpeng is angry: "Bullshxt shut your mouth!"

Finally, he calls himself "Get Out", scary of strangers. Immediately lower the compensation …….

But the article "See See TVB" generous "Destined English Clbadroom" is a crazy loop … A few words:

"Stand behind the yellow line "

" The next station is lok ma chau (the next station is Lok Ma Chau) "

" I'm going to school by bus "

" pikachu (比 卡 超) "

" Pen Pineapple Apple Pen "

is really weird, laughing and bursting.

super, super funny:

"Destiny" outline of the story:

and 珅 (Chen Zhanpeng ornaments) talented people, won the favor of Emperor Qianlong, the right to rule the wild, the private party, "." The fifteenth son of Emperor Yong Yong (Tan Junyan) seems mediocre and does not argue with the world: he is in harmony with the prostitute and heir to the throne. During Jiaqing's four years, Qianlong died and Emperor Jiaqing persuaded his son, Feng Yi Yin De (He Guangpei), and Changan's confidant (Chen Shancong) to turn against one another. other, with the intention of annihilating his party.



and the talents of genius, won the favor of Emperor Qianlong, the right to dig in nature, the party private, known as the "two emperors".

However, the old and long-term countermeasures not only solved Jiaqing's repeated attacks, but they also returned the other side, exposing a secret singularity of Jiaqing. Emperor Guifei (Li Shizhen) who made Jiaqing suffer! He and his wife, Long Mei (Yao Ziling) and Bean Confidant (Tang Shizhao) also acted in the palace and the rivers and lakes, so that Yongqing's younger brother (Zhang Yikang) has always supported Jiaqing. On the rivers and lakes, the winds and waves made Jiaqing fall into despair. Unexpectedly, it is difficult to violate …

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