"Do not rush to take a lifejacket, you can not use it": The US captain of the state of Michigan has ordered the law to kill 17 people – The News Lens


A duck boat in Missouri, USA, was stormed on the lake yesterday (20), 17 of the 31 people on board were killed, a family of 11 sorties and only 2 people were still desire. Accident The survivors even kicked the blast, and the captain asked the pbadengers not to wear emergency suits at that time, adding that "this is not the case. not used".

This amphibious vessel yesterday made a trip to Table Rock Lake near Branson, Missouri, at approximately 7:00 pm local time (8:00 am, Taipei time). During the storm, the lake suddenly jumped, and the waves slammed the hull.Sometimes, a ship went back to the shore, but the other unfortunately spilled it.

Less than half of the people on board survived and 7 of the 14 survivors were injured and sent to the hospital, one of whom was seriously injured. Missouri Governor Mike Parson called the incident "heartbreaking tragedy". He said the ship's visitors included 11 members of the same family, nine of whom were killed.

Tia Coleman, an Indianaese, and her family yesterday went to the lake by amphibious boat, and she told Indianapolis that she and her nephew were among eleven family members. The only survivor.

Coleman lost nine members of her family, including her husband and child. She revealed in a television interview that the captain wanted the pbadengers not to wear lifejackets.

Do not rush to take a lifejacket, you can not use

Coleman says "Fox 59" in the Branson neighborhood, Mizhou (Fox 59): "I lost all my children , I lost my husband, lost my mother-in-law, my father-in-law, my uncle, my little sister, she is my sister, I lost my nephew, I'm fine, but that's all I have. is really difficult. "

Coleman said her husband" was hoping the whole world knows "When the hull went into the water, the captain told them not to wear a lifejacket, and Coleman thought that it was the cause of death.

Coleman said, "The captain told us at the time," Do not rush to take a lifejacket, you can not use it, "nobody wears it, because we listened to the captain, he just told us to sit down. After his words, when you take lifejackets, everything is too late, if I wear them at first, I think that many people will be spared. "

The captain is also one of 14 survivors, now Associated Press Hospital reported that Mayor Bu Lansun pointed out that the Mayor was the best ambbadador of promotion in the region:" He attended all the activities, he knew everyone here, he still promotes Branson. "

The Missouri wreck is the deadliest accident of the" water duck "of the past 20 years, the people were praying next to the victim's car Photo: AP / 达 志 影像

Stone County Sergeant Doug Rader told reporters, "As far as I know, there is a lifejacket. in the duck. "But he refused to reveal if the pbadenger was wearing a lifejacket.

Jet Pattison Jr., the owner of the cruise company, said that because of the weather , the ship "should not be in the water," said Patison, the accident is probably due to a sudden storm caused.

"There is usually a very calm lake, and it's not a long trip, the boat goes to another island and then comes back." Pattison said it should have been a peaceful tourist experience. In Mizhou, the weather changes rapidly, and it can go from a calm sun state to a dangerous storm in minutes.

Pattison told CBS News that the company had been in business for 47 years without any accidents and added that the captain had more than 16 years of experience on the subject. ;water. He said there were lifejackets on board, but added that under state laws, pbadengers do not need to wear them. According to "WLTX", neither US federal law nor state law requires that pbadengers wear lifejackets on a sightseeing boat, and only need to wear them in situations criticism.

Authorities reported that the National Transportation Safety Board and the US Coast Guard were investigating the incident. The spokesman for the governor, Kelli Jones, said that 17 victims came from six different states. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) pointed out that the dead were between 1 and 70 years old.

Semi-vehicle and half-ship: the safety of the duck is no longer to be demonstrated

and this incident once again triggered the security concerns of the American society on the duck. Ducks are named for their ability to travel on land and water. There are hundreds of ducks in the world, and these amphibious vehicles are popular with tourists and have been providing travel services for decades.

However, the duck has also suffered serious accidents in the past, and more than 40 people have died since 1999. In 1999, a ship sank near the hot springs of the island. Arkansas, killing 13 people In 2015, a duck in Seattle collided with a bus, killing five students.

The lawyer responsible for the duck accident pointed out that the duck is a deadly trap. " They are not suitable for water or land because they are half-boats. Especially during the Second World War, the transport of troops and supplies, was later changed to be used for tourism.

Reuters reported that after the sinking in 1999, the National Transportation Safety Board warned that the roof of the ship was in danger and that if one of the ships was overturned, even those wearing lifejackets would be "very difficult." Escape. " Security advocates were looking for improvements, and this incident also prompted US city councilors to consider possible legislative solutions .

  Duck Duck
In September 2015, a duck (right) in Seattle, USA, had a fatal collision with the bus. Photo: AP / 达 志 影像
There was a serious sinking at Sun Moon Lake and the necessary lifejacket for the lake

.In Taiwan, Sun Moon Lake had a sinking accident of 58 people in August 1990. Tourists are required to wear lifejackets when they swim in the lake, and there is no need to overload them.

However, the current specifications for life vests vary from one county to another. According to the Free Times, Taipei County is obliged to operate fishing vessels on the high seas according to the Qijin ferry mode of Kaohsiung City, provided that persons on board wear lifejackets (ferries from and to to fresh water are not mandatory) However, a sufficient lifejacket should be placed under the seat to provide people with a basic self-rescue capability when danger occurs.

Hualien whale watching boats, those boats that go on the high seas, must wear lifejackets immediately after boarding. However, some tourists wear lifejackets, but because the underarm fixation belt is not worn, life jackets float on the water, people fall into the water, life jackets are not properly worn, it is difficult to save people.

According to the "Taiwan Huixing Rescue Swimming Association", when wearing a lifejacket, put the lifejacket in the head, leave the buckle on the outside and put on all the straps when putting on the lifejacket. The straps are attached, especially the two straps that straddle the legs. Be sure to buckle them to prevent the lifejacket from falling when it gets into the water.

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