Draghi refers to the need to change the interest rate guidelines – Finance News – Xincheng Finance Channel


Draghi says that it is not necessary to change the guidelines on interest rates

26/7/2018 21:28
The European Central Bank has maintained the Interest rates unchanged as expected.
The central bank said that it would keep interest rates at current levels, at least until next summer, and confirming that quantitative easing will come to an end At the end of December, the monthly purchase of badets of 30 billion euros will continue until September and the monthly scale will be reduced to 15 billion euros from October to October. December.
The governor of the Central Bank, Mr. Draghi, pointed out that there was no need to change the guidelines on interest rates: the central bank will not target the exchange rate trend and will be ready to adjust its policies. He pointed out that economic growth is stable and widespread, and that the risk of change is broadly balanced, but that the uncertainty surrounding the business environment persists: he believes that inflation will reach the target level and that inflation should increase before the end of the year.
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