[Entreprise Spéciale] Locking Apple Fans Group tonight at 18:00 Goddess Wu Xinyu saves the troubles of squatting | Apple Daily


[Special Plan] The weather is hot in summer, still suffocated by sweat and odor? Wear swimsuits and sleeveless jerseys, raise your hands and lift your feet for a second. These disturbing disturbances, the goddess Wu Xinyi and the artist Xiao Lai (Lai Yi), come to save! Watch the live broadcast to save a life, do not miss the live broadcast from 18:00 tonight! Lock "Apple Daily Taiwan fans" and "Apple Daily Instant News Fans"!

Message to save the goddess Watch live, get prizes!
This live broadcast, the goddess Wu Xinyi wants to swing the treasure, challenge the time to find joint products of cross-border cooperation NIVEA and Hello Kitty. During the live broadcast, you must leave a message to save her, give a pbad to the goddess, let us Wu Xinyi share with you the secret tip anti-summer! In order to thank the fans for their rescue, after the live broadcast, I will attract a lucky winner of the fans who wrote "Little Lai and Wu Xinyi Treasure Hunt Puzzle Mission #NIVEAHelloKitty" and get the joint purchase of NIVEA x Hello Kitty, 18:00 tonight. Live broadcast, but I did not suffer from the loss, I got the secret anti-summer stuff and I can dig into the treasure!

Baoya limited edition limited edition NIVEA x Hello Kitty products
What is the anti-xia magic weapon mentioned in this live broadcast? The cross-border cooperation between NIVEA and Hello Kitty is not only easy to use in summer but also in summer, it's only after limited sales that we watched the live show tonight and that we rushed to dig treasures!
In addition, there are live fans who are restricted to live broadcasts, etc. Tonight (7/27), before 9:00, to live broadcast of Baoya Yonghe Zhongshan store, buy Nivea products over $ 299 (requires Sanrio limited edition) to send a $ 100 gift certificate . (limited to 50)

This episode is sponsored by [Nivea NIVEA]
18:00 to "Taiwan Daily Apple Fans" and "Apple Daily Instant News Fans" exclusive live broadcast tonight!

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