Everyone in the topical discussions: "The sole proprietor" said that he would meet the "top Chinese officials". Should China's policy in Taiwan be "re-examined"? – VOA Chinese (VOA)

Everyone in the topical discussions: "The sole proprietor" said that he would meet the "top Chinese officials". Should China's policy in Taiwan be "re-examined"? VOA Chinese (VOA)

In an interview with the Taiwanese media, the Taiwanese presidential government, Kuan Min, said he had met with Chinese "high officials" in Tokyo, Japan, last month. In an interview with the Taiwanese media, the Taiwanese presidential government, Kuan Min, said he had met with Chinese "high officials" in Tokyo, Japan, last month. Zhai Kuanmin said that when the two officials met, they said that China's policy in Taiwan over the last decade was a "failure" and some people had proposed a "re-examination". What credibility does this sentence of Kuan Minmin have? How to evaluate China's policy in Taiwan during the last decade? Is China's "economic united front" argument feasible? After the coming to power of US President Trump, what changes will happen in relations between the United States, China and Taiwan? In addition, Taiwan's Legislative Yuan recently held a public hearing to hear relevant views on the introduction of English as a second official language. Is it necessary to establish English as a second official language? The two guests today are Qi Guohua, special correspondent for Zhongtian News in Washington, and Wu Heyi, consultant at the School of International Relations at American University. Zhai Guohua believes that Kuanmin's words have some authenticity, that he should see Taiwan-related people related to the mainland, be it an official or an official. However, in the mainland area of ​​Taiwan, it has always been said that Taiwan's policy over the last decade has failed in some respects. However, it is very useful for promoting trade between straits and maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. Rather, it means that many of the economies that the continent has achieved over the past decade have failed to win the hearts of Taiwanese. Zhai Guohua also said that mainland China has always had hawks and doves in its relations with Taiwan. The "hawks" can not wait to use force tomorrow and think that their military development has the ability to cross the sea. The "dove" (including Xi Jinping) insists that the economic development of the last three or four decades has been so fast because of the exceptional use of strategic opportunities in China around Asia …

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