[Exclusif] Zhou Xun separated for two years can not leave the wedding card in the property does not want to split the top Shengyuan | Apple Daily


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Zhou Xun and his Sino-American actor husband Gao Shengyuan have been married for nearly 4 years, and they have been refused marriage several times, but they have all been denied by brokers. After obtaining the certificate, the divorce proceedings were completed after the signing and the two persons had no privacy: the daughter of Zhou Xun and Wang Fei, Dou Jingtong, had a sticky TT, Gao Shengyuan often drank with strangers. In fact, the wedding change was rumored early last year, after the Golden Horse Awards evening, reporter "Apple" met Gao Shengyuan.He was originally a good conversation, but when he mentions the "marriage" two keywords, he protects himself against "private business". " .It is reported that the reason they hang around for a long time is not because the problem of" property ", Zhou Xun won a lot, but did not agree

According to Hong Kong's "Apple Daily" report, Zhou Xun and Gao Shengyuan are indeed divorcing, because they are not ready to pay the property requirements. are in Hangzhou, so they have to go to the local to sign the documents necessary for the divorce.According to well-informed sources, they have been separated for more than two years: Gao Shengyuan lives in Taiwan and the United States, he rarely stays in China to accompany Zhou Xun, the two cultures are different and communication is problematic.Gao Shengyuan proposed a signature divorce, but Zhou Xun did not consider it well, so he never went through the formalities from divorce, until recently, she finally thought clai The Divorce will officially be announced when the time comes.

Although divorce is only the last step, the life of both has long been brilliant. It is reported that Gao Shengyuan lived in Taiwan for a while and that he knows a lot of friends, so he is not alone, one of them is a handsome male and he is very numb and he meets often and drinks together.

As for Zhou Xun, she is not afraid of embarrbadment … Recently, her relationship with Dou Jingtong is close to her … Dou Jingtong sometimes goes to Zhou Xun's home for at night, instead of going back to sleep with his mother Wang Fei. Gao Shengyuan was to accompany Zhou Xun to visit his parents, but he did not see the silhouette of her husband, but Dou Jing Tong Yiqi accompanied her to her hometown for the New Year.

In this regard, Hong Kong "Apple" asked Zhou Xun divorce broker, Gao Shengyuan in Taiwan is there a new object? She replied, "I'm in a meeting, I'm not sure of that." Then ask him about the relationship between Zhou Xun and Dou Jingtong? She again said, "I'm in a meeting." The senior officer said that he had been in the United States for more than six months, and that there was no divorce and no new objects.

Gao had borrowed her boyfriend's family when she was shooting the "My Boy" series in Taiwan, while the dramas were all Chinese, the friends revealed that every day, high-level and auxiliary lines are not enough not. Not to mention making new friends, but the fact that the husband and wife are close is a reality because the language is not good, the communication is bad, there is not much of people who hear, I only know that the break has already been discussed. Both companies have a strong tone. (Entertainment center / Complete report)

Date of publication: 08:58
Update: 12:40

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