Experts: The essence of the trade war is the ideological confrontation or detonation of deep contradictions in mainland China | Sino-US trade war | Zhu Baoliang


[Heure de New Dynastie de Beijing, le 4 juillet 2018] The first batch of tariffs imposed by the United States will enter into force on Friday (6 July). Some experts from the mainland have pointed out that the essence of the Sino-US trade war is the ideology of the CCP and Western free society: once opened, it may explode the deep contradictions accumulated since long time by the continental society.

Zhu Baoliang, chief expert of the Chinese Communist Party's National Information Center, emphasized in an exclusive interview with Reuters that the trade war is essentially a confrontation between China and the United States in terms of and ideology. The delay of the reform of public enterprises, the accumulation of local public debt and the unresolved economic structural contradictions, combined with the new worries engendered by the Sino-US trade war, not only promote the development of the country. continental economy, but also to inspire more serious social contradictions.

Zhu Baoliang believes that the reform of the CCP's public enterprises is still very slow and that the differences of ideology are more taken into account, that the shortcomings of the CCP system have not changed and that the Private economy is developing slowly. These shortcomings do not promote the sustainable development of the Chinese economy.

In addition, although the CCP has clearly defined local government debts, management and control seem very strict, but in fact, in recent years, the implicit debt created by the local government funding platform has only increased or decreased. The local government's debt risk has not been alleviated.

Zhu Baoliang also pointed out that although China's economic operation is still stable, it has not "got rid of the downward pressure", so that the Chinese trade war American risk of doing many years. The deep-seated contradictions that eventually accumulated surfaced.

Previously, foreign media reported that current disputes between China and the United States over trade issues actually exceeded the scope of the economic field, highlighting the ideology and institutional opposition between two parts. According to Min Minin, a professor of political science at the University of McKenna in the United States, Voice of America said that although the two countries can avoid a major economic war in the short term, the long-term trend of Sino relations -american is almost It must be a result of a strategic conflict that is deteriorating and may even be a "complete cold war". Yu Weixiong, an economist at the Anderson School of Management at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), also pointed out that the CCP's attempt to confront the Western US camp is a long-term strategy. misguided term that could lead to a similar outcome of the Cold War. – The collapse of the Soviet Union.

On June 16, the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) announced a $ 25 billion tax collection list on Chinese products, the first batch of $ 34 billion worth of goods on Friday. (July 6) implementation.

A few hours later, the State Council of the Chinese Communist Party also introduced a list of reciprocal tariffs, and the first batch will also take effect this Friday. The outside world is very concerned about the further development of the incident.

(Reporter Xiao Jing full report / responsible editor: Ming Xuan)

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