Exploring the back of the moon versus the orbital space station, the Sino-US confrontation jumps on the moon


NASA recently announced a call for tenders for private companies to develop a new space station, Gateway, which will orbit around the lunar orbit starting in 2022 to support the missions. Lunar exploration and others Explore the solar system, including Mars. However, national experts in the United States admit that the political significance of the development of the Moon Space Station is greater than the substantive meaning, and it is directed towards the recent lunar mission of China. According to a foreign report, scientists at the Arizona Planetary Science Institute felt that the creation of a lunar space station was not very useful for space exploration , considering that the Moon and Mars are not intended for the construction of another space station. . It is understood that China plans to send astronauts to the moon after 2020, and they must challenge the other side of the moon, so establish a lunar space station is a statement that points out that the United States have a higher status than other countries. .

NASA is now asking the industry for a preliminary proposal to build a space station and asks Congress to start paying $ 500 million in 2019. NASA expects the site to cost $ 2 million. , $ 7 billion. In fact, NASA proposed the idea of ​​the Moon Space Station in 2013 to intercept and redirect asteroids in order to avoid collisions with the Earth. Later, the asteroid defense plan is dead , but abandoned the idea of ​​the Moon Space Station.

NASA and private companies are again targeting the Moon in the hope of finding gas and minerals that can be extracted and transported to the Earth on the Moon, or processed on the space station for Martian missions or future lunar bases. Explore the dark side of the moon. China will launch a lunar lander called the No. 4 in December this year.The landing site is a huge impact crater on the back of the moon, the Antarctic-Etoken basin. This is the first time in the history of humanity to explore the back of the moon.

The exploration of the back of the moon has a strategic value: scientists believe that the relief of the moon's bottom is completely different from the one we see: the geological clues collected at the landing site can understand the process of collision between the Earth and other celestial bodies. . Another reason is that there can be a large amount of frozen water in the crater from the high latitude shadow on the moon, which should be rocket fuel or l 'lat est est est,,,,,,,,,,,,. drinking water for human habitation. The Chinese National Space Administration launched a lunar relay satellite in May to enhance communication on the back of the moon.

But the lunar space station in orbit alone can not reach the goal of exploration, as the space station travels along NASA's near-linear orbit, more than a thousand miles from the Moon, to support astronauts or drones on the Moon. A small substation 60 miles from the moon's surface plus the help of a new generation of lunar landers that NASA has not yet started to develop.

Experts point out that simply sending drones and astronauts directly from Earth to the moon may be easier, and stopping in a space station may be not less expensive. Building a lunar orbital base can train astronauts or as a gas station at Mars, but NASA is no longer developing key technologies for the Mars manned mission, and the Mars mission can be halted.

China plans to build a permanent robotic lunar base 10 years from now, and 10 years later, humans will land on the moon. As China's ambitions increased, NASA and the White House seemed to be scared, so they were eager to find a new declaration as a political manifesto of the US space leader, even though the plan was unrealistic. Scientists from the European Space Agency have said that the Moon's surface is about the size of Africa and that Moon Village's development equals humans having an eighth continent, this lunar village can play many roles, such as manufacturing. The center, or a tourist destination or a spaceport center. Finally, there may be permanent settlements on the moon, perhaps the underground city in the newly discovered lava tube that protects the settlers from spatial radiation.

(Source: NASA)

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