FIFA has warned the media live that they stop shooting at sexy female fans | Hong Kong UNWIRE.HK Play life. Music Technology


July 15, 2018 • Technological Anecdote •

2018 The live broadcast of the match will see the camera turn to the close-up of fans on the stands, there are many beautiful and bady female fans. . However, the International Football Association did not want such a lens to appear, and recently warned the media live not to photograph them. Federico Addiechi, head of diversity at FIFA, said FIFA is committed to reducing gender discrimination in the World Cup and has already taken action against bad practices on live media. With the increasing focus on the "male gaze" issue, there are more controversial incidents of female fans in this World Cup, aside from FIFA's demand not to shoot female fans bady. The album must also apologize and remove the album due to an attack.

The camera that added female fans to the live broadcast of the game called "Honey Shot" and was always invented by American sports director Andy Sidaris: "In a group of fans, you can watch Valley, male fans and female fans, and the choice is quite obvious to me. "

Source: Fstopper

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Tags: FIFA, World Cup, Feminism

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