[Fifth Personality Raiders iOS / Android] Beginners five steps to easily understand the gameplay | Hong Kong 01 | Anime Game


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"Fifth Personality" was officially released on the iOS platform today (July 5), and the version Android will soon be on the shelves, known as Powerful Challenge the status of "food chicken". After completing the long teaching, you still can not know the gameplay of "Five Personality". Now, in the simplest and most direct way, you can start quickly with this fun "Ghosts" game.

>> The Fifth Raiders Personality Page (click here) <<

[Fournisseur VS Supervisor]

4 SurvivorsVS 1 Supervisor / "Fifth Personality" screenshot of the game

a " Dead by Daylight "(Dawn Killer) authorized" Fifth Personality ", the gameplay is similar to" Dead by Daylight ", the game is composed of a group of four people, against a regulator, The five characters of the game are all played by the players. The conditions of the victory are different: the part of the survivor must work together to decipher the five random cryptographers on the map, the cracking method can only be done after pressing the button, after the completion , the manor door can be opened and there are two. The survivors above have managed to escape and win.

[Fournisseurs vs Régulateurs]

Put the survivors on the "Carnival Chair" and you can send them back / "The Fifth Personality" screenshot of the game

and the regulator side, it must be put on the ground The survivors have them caught and sent them on the "carnival chair", but the "carnival chair" sent a survivor to have a time of waiting, another period of offensive and defensive war. Players in the chair, or desperately to unlock, the regulator will quickly decide to stay or block other players. Offensive and defensive characters are constantly exchanged, and at the same time they must develop strategies in the game and boost the total score.


From left to right: doctors, lawyers, philanthropists, mechanics, forwards, blind women, gardeners, air force, lucky, priests, magicians, adventurers, mercenaries / Fifth Personality "Screenshot du Jeu

From left to right: Director, Clown, Deer Head, Jack, Spider, Red Butterfly / Screen Capture of the game "Five Personality"

"Fifth Personality" is a very demanding strategy and rich in technology The combination of characters makes each game full The survivor can use 13 different characters with different skills Each character has a different orientation For example, the gardener can remove the "carnival chair" and the scorer is responsible for interfering with the actions of the regulator. the operation of the player and his teammates, you can also play different effects.The powerful regulators have 6 different roles available, and they should face the supervisors of the other 4 players. Of course, each character has the power to make the survival of the survivors, like the invisible Jack. Move the red butterfly. Four weak but cooperating survivors struggle against a powerful but powerful regulator, this asymmetrical game is an interesting part of the Fifth Personality.

[Jeu de la Terre]

"Fifth Personality" currently has 3 different cards, each player will randomly enter a card to play, or can specify the card in custom mode. The positions of the five players and the number are displayed randomly on the map, in case everyone does not know the position of the other (with the exception of the lawyer with a map), the game "Ghosts" is officially launched. When the survivor cracks three times, the coat on the card begins, and the player can use the exit of the cellar to escape the chase by the regulator.

[ Talent]

In addition to the rich character combinations and battlefields, "Fifth Personality" still joins the talent system, even if players use the same character, click for choose different from others How to play Players can amplify the strengths of the character in the choice of talent, or make up for the shortcomings.

Asymmetric battle games are rare on the market, and the game and game concepts of "Fifth Personality" are quite interesting, players wishing to join friends in the world of "Ghosts and Ghosts". There are many interesting interactions in the game.

[Clique pour entrer dans le site officiel du jeu]

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