Finishing / Ke Cihai Parkinson's disease is white, people are thin, he was imprisoned for 3 years and scared: ghost place | ETtoday company | ETtoday news cloud


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The former "Protestant King" Ke Cihai was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease: at age 62, his hair was whiter and his body was thinner than he was. he was not there. It is hard to recognize at first sight in the crowd if you use your strength to speak but you are still angry. He told the media that he would return to Hualien to elect the county magistrate in August, that past deeds were dug up and discussed, that in addition to being invested in lawmakers, the mayor from Taipei and the election of Hualien magistrate, he was jailed several times. . The journalist "ETtoday News Cloud" went directly to Ke Taihai to visit the National Taiwan University Hospital on the 19th. He says it's a simple return, that he can take the MRT for his physical condition, he is frank and refuses to use drugs. Degradation, or conditions such as addiction. In addition, he said that he would spend 6 million yuan in a small clinic in Taipei next month to do stem cell therapy, pump blood from the body and cultivate stem cells, and then reinject stem cells into the body. The clinic depends on the guarantee that it is a good doctor.

 ▲ ▼ Ke Cihai that Chen Kang panel action, pointed out that the previous protest against judicial injustice, and now to protest the disease. (Photo / reporter Qiu Zhongyue photo)

▲ The shape of Ke Cihai's body has become even thinner. (Photo / Reporter Qiu Zhongyue)

Ke Cihai has had a lot of controversial incidents in the past: in 2007, the High Court said that Ke was suspected of mismanagement of the company and defrauded the bank and printed the notes to defraud investors. After being released on parole in 2010, he was forced to work for three years because he did not want to force his work. In April 2011, he was released at the Taitung Technical Training Institute. Taiyuan for three years. He remembered this time and mentioned in his interview that "the 3 ping house in the jail has closed 18 people, and the 5 ping house has closed 22 people.It really is D & D A ghost place. "

After the conditional release of 2010, Liu Ruoling and former hostess Liu Ruoling jointly invested in the creation of a technology company, causing investment disputes, dissatisfied with the return of 1 , 8 million yuan of Ke and transferring equity to others. Therefore, anger is reported. After the Supreme Court hearing on the 16th of this month, he was sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment in July and the company was fined 210,000 yuan .

[Nouvelles Connexes] Zhang Meidan controlled the badual badault Ke Cihai was prosecuted

Ke Cihai was released on parole on August 10, 2010 and he was in love with him in November of the same year. Zhang Meidan, aged 13 and under, is registered to get married, but is separated less than 40 days after the wedding. Zhang Meidan accused Ke Cihai of going home after a miscarriage and also beat and threatened her. The Taipei District Inspection Bureau found that Ke was suspected of being detrimental to badual autonomy and prosecuted according to law.

 ▲ ▼ Ke Cihai wearing a dress and holding a knife, announced the election of the Hualien County Magistrate. (Photo / Dongsen News)

▲ Ke Cihai in 2013 wearing a dress advertised to participate in the Hualien County election. (图 / 东森新闻)

[Actualités badociées] Ke Cihai announces that he was elected in Hualien County, wearing a robe and holding a knife to close the field

Ke Cihai in 2005 In the election campaign for Hualien County, he won more than 20,000 votes in the absence of any political party in independent elections, which made it fall the public under the glbades. In May 2013, he wore a blue robe and knife to announce his participation in the Hualien County Magistrate. He said the government did not take care of the Hualien people: "Without a high level of Suhua, there is no construction, we need to return home safely and increase the employment opportunities. 19659002] [Nouvelles Connexes] Ke Cihai divorce lawsuit was not married 28-year-old sister wedding photo

The divorce lawsuit of Ke Cihai and Zhang Meidan is still on trial, in June 2013 A 29-year-old girlfriend, Liao Xinru, took a wedding dress to Qixingtan, Taroko, Yunshan Shui and other attractions. As it was believed that Zhang Meidan's divorce lawsuit would be decided in six months, she took the bride's wedding dress. .

[Nouvelles Connexes] Ke Cihai was guilty of tax evasion and shouted, not forgetting to show his little girl wedding photo

Ke Cihai was sentenced to 4 years in February for fraud, later parole release from prison. The Optoelectronic company has been suspected of false capital increases and tax evasion of 1.25 million yuan and has been prosecuted for violating the corporate law, but Ke Cihai said that the company has been banned. he had not escaped the tax and that he was also carrying Liao, 29 years old. The wedding photos taken by my girlfriend are always ready to attract the attention of the media. However, this marriage did not succeed. After the opposition of the woman's parents, Ke immediately married Lin Sijia, who was 30 years old, and two of them gave birth in 2014. [19659002]  ▲ ▼ Anti-service students captured the Legislative Yuan on the second day, protesting frequent guest Ke Cihai running to arrange flowers. (Photo / reporter Lai Yuzhen)

▲ anti-service students captured the Legislative Yuan, Ke Cihai went to the scene to arrange flowers. (Photo / Reporter Lai Yuzhen) [Actualité connexe] News / anti-service trade Kecihai floral arrangement collision policy

Anti-service students s & # 39; seized the Legislative Yuan and entered the second day to protest Ke Cihai's frequent visit screaming, "Why do not I train?" The police continued to collide with the police and repeatedly with the police.

[Actualités] "Protests against paradise" Ke Cihai invests in private sale 1.8 million sentenced in July

"Protestant King" Ke Cihai and l & # 39, former flight attendant Liu Ruoling jointly invest in the establishment of technology The company, making investment disputes, Liu woman dissatisfied with Ke did not repay the investment of 1.8 million yuan, and transferred the equity of the company to others, Ke said. Ke was sentenced to prison in August, and after the second trial, he was sentenced to a term of imprisonment in July and fined 210,000 yuan. After the trial of the Supreme Court of Third Instance, the appeal was dismissed on the 16th and the case was set.

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