First to reward the second child


Liaodu manages aging

First to reward second child support for entrepreneurship

[Hong Kong Business News] The implementation of second child policy has been implemented for over two years, but Fertility rate remains low The level, especially in the north-east region, has experienced "negative growth" in the population in recent years due to an aging population and brain drain. In order to solve this problem, Liaoning has launched a series of policies aimed at attracting talent and has recently taken the initiative to propose other reward policies for families with two children. At the same time, the policy of "developing the resources of the elderly" and implementing the gradual retirement delay has also attracted the attention of the outside world. 达 About 45 million people in 2030

According to Liaoning Province's "Population Development Plan (2016-2030)" (hereinafter referred to as "Planning"), the total population of Liaoning Province will reach 43.85 million by the end of this year. 2020. From here 2030, it will reach 45 million people, the total fertility rate will increase from 0.9 in 2015 to 1.4 in 2020 and the total fertility rate will increase to 1, 8% of the replacement rate of the population. In other words, in the past 15 years, the total population of Liaoning will increase by more than 1 million, and the total fertility rate will double.

To achieve this goal, Liaoning's plan made it clear that it would effectively implement the two-child comprehensive policy and establish and improve the overall support policy for both children. Specifically, it includes: the establishment and improvement of a comprehensive policy of support for both children, including birth support and the education of children. Improve taxation, education, social security, housing and other family policies, further explore preferential policies for families with two children, ease the burden of maternity, promote maternity insurance and basic medical insurance and provide maternity benefits during the procreation period. Constantly, improve the family planning rewards and leave the system and spouse paternity leave system. Employers are encouraged to provide flexible work schedules and facilities for pregnant and lactating women to support women's return to work after childbirth. For the family of two children before implementing the overall two-child policy, the two-parent family and the rural family planning family will continue to implement current reward and support policies.

Experts say that exploration is worthy of recognition

For the challenges facing Liaoning Province, the "Planning" pointed out that it is more difficult to maintain a population size moderate. With the decrease in the number of women of childbearing age, the change in the age of childbearing and the aging of the population, even if the total fertility rate will increase in a certain period after the implementation of the global policy of two children. It should be noted that the birth rate and natural growth rate of permanent residents in Liaoning in recent years are all at the end of the country. The resident population has declined for three consecutive years, and the natural population growth rate has experienced negative growth six times over the past seven years. Since the implementation of the global two-child policy, Liaoning's birth rate and natural growth rate have all rebounded, but only for one year. Zhongxin quoted Lu Jiehua, a professor of sociology at Peking University, who said it is more difficult for Liaoning to double the total fertility rate. He pointed out that according to the experience of other countries, once the total fertility rate is below 1.3-1.5, it is very difficult to think about it . The gratifying birth policy can only maintain or increase the level of fertility to a certain extent, and it is not realistic to think about it. However, he also believes that the exploration of the reward policy of two children deserves to be recognized, and it is also worth learning from other provinces: "The policy of awarding of the two children, Liaoning, is a preliminary exploration.

Introduce talents to support the entrepreneurship of the elderly

In order to achieve the goal of increasing the population of more than 1 million, Liaoning hopes not only to increase the rate fertility, but also to retain and retain talent. "Planning" proposes to implement the "Three-Year Action Plan for the Full Revitalization of Talent Services in Liaoning Province (2018-2020)" and the "Liaoning Talent Program" of the Major Talent Project around the revitalization of Liaoning for the urgent needs of high-level talent; Support measures such as entry, settlement, long-term residence, pension, housing, medical treatment, school registration, spousal placement, and entrepreneurial support. Lu Jiehua believes that in the Liaoning population loss, the proportion of young people is large.The implementation of talent introduction policies and the improvement of the economic environment will help increase the population .

Judging by the demographics of recent years, the proportion of the elderly population in 14 cities in Liaoning Province has exceeded the national level. According to the Planning, from 2016 to 2030, Liaoning's aging population will accelerate development, the aging trend will be evident and the proportion of the working-age population will objectively decrease the potential growth rate of the economy, weaken the demographic dividend and increase pensions and medical care. Such as social security and pension systems and other pressures of the public service.

To solve these problems, the "Planning" proposes to "develop the resources of the elderly", to gradually implement a progressive retirement policy, to gradually improve the retirement age policy, to explore the resources of the elderly and to establish an information base. Vigorously develop education and training for the elderly, help the elderly to start their own business and encourage talents in the professional and technical fields to extend their years of work.

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