Focus War: Athlon Ying Warriors Play East Coast War – Heng Shao | Apple Daily | Sports World


The Warriors were 17 points behind in the half against the Magic on Monday, and Kevin Durant scored 49 points to win the game. The team will now make five trips to the East Coast. Steven Curry, Warrior coach Steve Kerr, said in an interview that he had been injured in the left groin and injured in the left groin. It may be that after the visit of the Pistons next Sunday, they come back. In the absence of Curie, the Warriors had only 5 wins and 5 losses.

In the current Athlon league, the Grizzlies were 12 points behind at half-time, but the second half was full of firepower, while Kyle Lowry scored 7 shots in the fourth period. Scored the highest score of the team, 24 plus Kawhi Leonard added 17 points, or 122: 114 against the opponent and won six consecutive wins. This season, the overall advancement of the team, regardless of attack and defense, against the Warriors is a good opportunity for the Athlon to prove its strength.

Text: Heng Shao

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