"Fortnite" summer guerrilla contest has once again broke the controversy, Epic also innocent players | 4Gamers


"Fortnite" (Fortress Night / Fortress Hero) The eight-week "Summer Skirmish" has successfully completed the second week of the weekend after the first week of the package number. The winning player earned $ 130,000. NT $ 4 million), but some players have accused the winner of winning the match by cheating and arguing for the summer guerrillas.

According to Forum Reddit players, the winner of the second week of the PS4 account iDroPz_BoDiEs was suspected of using the keyboard and mouse, and did not live live during the game (but the game has been downloaded). And with 129 murder records in 10 consecutive games, I wondered if iDroPz_BoDiEs had been able to cheat with other players and called Epic Games to participate in the investigation.

However, Epic launched an investigation and published an announcement: in response to the fair demand for the game, the live video software based on the PS4 live streaming software could not be broadcast for 2 minutes. In addition, the official examination of the behavior of ten games of iDroPz_BoDiEs, there is no clear evidence that he has cheating behavior and abnormal, plus the official original does not limit the use of the controller, but also innocence iDroPz_BoDiEs.

In addition, many foreign players also claimed that iDroPz_BoDiEs was originally a first-generation professional of Destiny because he generally believed that he was only using the controller to gain the mouse and keyboard. It was smeared by people.

In any case, the controversy over the cheating of the second week of the summer guerrillas added a subject to this series of events, fortunately the first week of the connection was great . Outsourcing has not continued, showing the ability of Epic Games to improve the system's performance.

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