From the release of Liu Xia to the opening of foreign investment, "China is the biggest winner?" – The network of examination of the keys of the news


Wen: Li Zhongxian (Professor of Electrical Engineering Department of Chengda)

China and Germany became partners in the trade wars and defended the free world economy.L & # 39; Li Keqiang's attitude of visiting Europe has never been seen, pointing out that China is not a developed country. It is a developing country, and there are still many places to learn: investing in European companies, it is mostly learning, and there is no bad motivation .

At the same time, Liu Xia, who has been under house arrest for several decades, the wife of Liu Xiaobo, winner of the Chinese Nobel Peace Prize and a person very worried for German Chancellor Merkel, is quickly released and returns to Berlin.

The attitude of Trump's trade war with China is no longer on paper: many tariff measures are underway, the Chinese do not want to criticize Trump and secretly withdraw the Chinese manufacture of 2025 who ignored until then the world ignorance. Liu Xia, wife of Liu Xiaobo, Nobel laureate who threatened Chinese society, was released: all these actions showed that China was really scared and that the ten major trade wars between China and the states United States were not reported by Taiwanese newspapers. Taiwan, a victim country, ranked second, then the ten countries could not find China, the Sino-US trade war or the biggest winner. China, which has not yet complied with the WTO rules, does not open the domestic market and is forcing foreign companies to hold shares in China that can not hold more than half of the shares. shares, and the Great Wall of the Internet strictly blocks the flow of information. The German company BASF Chemical Company is allowed to install 100% of its shares in China, and the United States Tesla Motors will follow the rules.

Regarding the situation in the world, Merkel has been in power for several decades: the EU has close ties with China, it constantly demands that China changes and really opens up its market and accepts the status from the Chinese market economy. China is totally impbadive, but it is constantly in the middle of Europe, especially Germany, mad mergers and acquisitions. Therefore, China's change is not because of Merkel's badertion that the Emperor of Xi Jinping probably believes that China's time to rule the world has arrived and no Is more willing to be a second child.

  Xi Jinping, Liping Xi, Li Keqiang, Li Keqiang,

Photo Credit: AP / Dazhi Image

This situation suddenly thinks of a joke, 90 points second clbadmates with the first 100 points of the test, said our deficiency I have only one question to this exam, I will not write it, the first comrade came back coldly saying, 'I can only test 100 points because & # 39; There are only very few questions in the exam paper. Not in my point of view. "

Some people in this world are leftist, others are right handed, some take sticks, others radish, everyone plays his own role, there is no reason for it. right winger, and there is a leftist heartily.

This article was reprinted by Li Zhongxian, the original text was published here

extended reading

editor responsible: Ding Yujiu
publisher of nuclear draft: Weng Shihang

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