Gao Zhisheng Wang Quanyu won the Day Award of Human Rights Lawyers in China |


[Epoch Times 07 juillet 2018] (Wang Xinyi New York report) The day of the second " Day of Human Rights Lawyers in China "held at the Fordham Law School in New York, to commemorate the arrest of the Chinese government on July 9, three years ago, under house arrest. Or nearly 300 rights defenders who have lost touch.

"They have suffered in the past, and they know that they may suffer more in the future, but they all hope." The representative of the US Attorneys Foundation, Terence Halliday, said that he was having coffee in Beijing. The library spoke with a number of lawyers in the 709 case. These lawyers all had ideals: "They hope that (in China) religious people can have freedom, including Falun Gong practitioners. Gong who are seriously persecuted. The storm at the top of his head came so fast.

  The representative of the American Lawyers Foundation, Terence Halliday, said that he had spoken with a number of 709 lawyers in a cafe in Beijing. There are ideals. They hope that (in China) the religious can have freedom, including Falun Gong practitioners who are seriously persecuted. "
American Lawyers Foundation representative, Terence Halliday, said that he was taking a coffee shop in Beijing. The library has spoken with a number of lawyers in the 709 case. These lawyers have ideals: "They hope that (in China) religious people can have freedom, including those who are seriously persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. (Wang Xinyi / Epoch Times)

Early morning of July 9, 2015, the sudden disappearance of "the bravest Chinese lawyer" Wang Yu and her family on August 21 of the same year. A total of 276 human rights attorneys were arrested, missing or under house arrest. Most of these attorneys were acquitted by Falun Gong practitioners, Christians, activists, and others. persecuted by the CCP.

Up to now, lawyers like Zhou Shifeng and Jiang Tianyong are still in prison, Gao Zhisheng and Wang Quanzhen are still missing, life and death are still in vain and more than 20 human rights lawyers have revoked or revoked.

Halliday said the persecution was still going on. "709 is not a historical event that has pbaded, and 709 is a reality that is still happening in China."

Awarded the first "709 Human Rights Lawyers Award"

As none of the lawyers or the letter was arrested or arrested by the CCP, the wife of Gao Zhisheng, Yi and defense lawyer Chen Guangcheng, respectively, accepted the award.

When Gao Zhisheng's voice appeared in the introductory video, he and his face were covered with white paper towels in his seat, and he was sobbing.

"I have not met Gao Zhisheng for nine years," he said after the award, "I was looking for him every day, I was looking for him every day."

  Khaliday (American Lawyers Foundation) Terence‧Halliday) Awarded the
American Lawyers Foundation Representative, Terence Halliday, awarded the "709 Human Rights Lawyer Award" to Gao Zhisheng, and the woman and the wife of Gao Zhisheng accepted the award. (Wang Xinyi / Epoch)

Gao Zhisheng Was Acquitted to Falun Gong Practitioners, Christians, and the Peasants of the Low He wrote to the CCP summit since the end of 2004 and asked him to stop the persecution Falun Gong practitioners. He was captured and beaten several times, and he was placed under house arrest after being released from prison in 2014. He again "disappeared" in August 2017 and he is 11 months old.

Yan He reported that he was very worried about Gao Zhisheng, because he was in poor physical condition after being released from prison in 2014. His voice was stunned and she continued to breathe. When the teeth were tormented with almost no left, he also paid a lot of attention to human rights in China.

Hehe shed tears on the stage, and the audience shed tears under the scene.A woman had to remove her glbades and wipe her tears, while a man with her hand against the red nose looked at the front.

But she said, "Although Gao Zhisheng has disappeared again and been sniffed, it shows the CCP's weakness." She thanked the organizers for presenting the award to Gao. encouragement for all warriors who resist the CCP's tyranny. Awards. "

  Human rights lawyers from the mainland approached the event by video.
Continental human rights lawyers addressed the event by video. (Wang Xinyi / Epoch)
  Continental human rights lawyers approached the event by video.
Continental human rights lawyers have tackled the event by video. (Wang Xinyi / Epoch)

Wang Quanxuan, the event organizer, and the founder of human rights website "Change China ", introduced in 1999 by Wang Quanzhen, while he was still studying at Shandong University.Providing legal aid to persecuted Falun Gong practitioners is one of the first lawyers to have started defending Falun Gong practitioners Wang Quanxuan was arrested in 709. Up to now, no news has been 1096 days.

Wang Wenxi's wife, Li Wenzu, thanked the organizers for their awards through the video, and thanked the peers who did not retire and helped them in this sad situation: "This is not a guest "It's our real experience over the past three years." Ms. Cao Yaxue, who was awarded the prize, read a section of "To Parents" written by Wang Quanzhen a few days after his arrest: "Dear father and mother, be proud of me and be sure to live tenaciously, regardless of the environment. Continue, wait for the day when the clouds will blossom. "

Cao Yaxue said," This is a note that expresses the hope, of a person who has no reason to hope, so why are not we strong ? Ladies and gentlemen, there is now a demon who needs us to kill and, if it does not succeed, our dignity, our freedom and our humanity will be endangered. "◇ #

The guests thoroughly discussed the situation of Chinese human rights lawyers. (Wang Xinyi / Epoch)

Publisher: Jia Rui

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