General trend of the European Union: Tottenham reborn for bones – Heng Shao | Apple Daily | Sports World


On Saturday, Chelsea, unbeaten in front of Tottenham, will face Wembley in the Premier League, relying on three main offensive players, Dili Ali, Halicani and Sun Xingmin, to ensure the technical defeat of the Blue Warrior three to one. Forcing opponents to reach third place in the Premier League. Some of the main players in Tottenham are in good shape, and it seems that they have gotten rid of the fatigue of the previous period and are full of vitality. In addition, the team won five games in all competitions in November, and the situation is very good. On the contrary, the situation of Inter Milan has slightly decreased, even if the Serie A victory over the team at the end of Saturday, Fincin Ronnie, before the international match, the face of the match of Atlanta, was a final defeat of 1: 4. Today 's guest is also known for Tottenham' s physical kick and fierce counter – attack. I think it's very difficult to kick taking the winning Tottenham win win. (This place has a "Player – Special Project" bet)

On the same day, in the other group B, Barcelona took the lead of the Dutch fight Yan Haofen. Suarez missed the Barça striker due to an injury, and there are no expeditions with Shakespeare, Rafina, Ai Jana and Efami Road. As for Yan Haofen, last season, Xia Rong Rosinnu scored two goals to defeat Heerenveen, winning 13 league games. Although the European Union and the Netherlands have some distance, but the Yan army has some ability at home, in addition to the three recent victories in Barcelona, ​​the home team has therefore received a ball / half ball can be reversed.

Text: Heng Shao

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