Google: We will not read your Gmail messages and will monitor third party readings. | TechNews Technology News


The free online service model is popular, users enjoy convenient services, and at the same time convey personal habits or information, especially the button to press the consent and authorization. Third-party developers of Gmail could easily read the letters from the user, and the outside world was stunned to point out that they had access to third-party developers, and he again told the outside world that they would not read users' emails.

Google's statement responds to the Wall Street Journal's report, which refers to third-party developers who have access to letters, badyze the content of the letter for marketing purposes or developers to view mail and develop new features. Google means that they will supervise third-party developers to ensure that they only receive information about them, and that they allow written requests in the vernacular, by asking users to log in. To accept to authorize.

Google reminds users that if they have problems accessing third-party applications, they can view the security settings to see the authorized third-party applications and their access rights. If you have not used the program, or have a program that uses doubts, you can also delete it. G Suite users are controlled by the administrator.

Developers interviewed by the Wall Street Journal said that Google's privilege review mechanism revealed no trace of human intervention and was not very rigorous. Google's statement reaffirms their position to protect consumers with their privacy profile, pointing out that their review process has two important requirements: to clearly identify who they are, what information they need, and only the one they want. information that requires their functionality.

The developers of the Wall Street Journal report pointed out that, while it is not appropriate to manually view the privacy information of the collected users and infringe upon privacy rights, c & # 39; is the "secret" of this line. Sometimes it is necessary to judge people's consumption habits or make natural language processing more natural: machines do not work and humans have to manipulate them manually.

At the present time, there is no news from third-party developers using the permissions obtained from Gmail to do anything but to re-expose the "dirty secrets" of the industry . However, after the incident of Cambridge Facebook badysis, all circles are eager to monitor the data protection measures of leading manufacturers, Google must protect the privacy and information of customers so to not lose confidence in all circles.

Previously, Google had scanned the user's mail for marketing and providing personalized services, but after querying the user's letter, scanning stopped, and only at the request of the law enforcement unit, or It is necessary to solve the bug to see the contents of the mail of the user.

Regardless of the terms of the website service or application permission, please look around and study it. At the very least, third party developers can be criticized for having explained that the sentence does not explicitly say that they can read your email. Once authorized to read email content permissions, not just programs, human developers have access to your mail.

In Depth Reading

(Source: Flickr / Cairo CC BY 2.0)

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