Government Appoints Lin Weiqiao Director of Information Technology for Public Servants Employed for 33 Years | Hong Kong UNWIRE.HK Play life. Music Technology


July 5, 2018 • Technological Anecdote •

The Government announced today (5th) that after public and internal recruitment, Lin Weiqiao has been appointed Director of Information Technology of the government. He will take office on July 6, 2018, replacing Yang Debin who left after the contract.

Lin Weiqiao joined the government in August 1985. He was director of badysis / programming of secondary systems, then promoted to general manager of the system in 2004 and promoted to deputy director of information technology in October 2007. In October 2011, he was promoted to deputy director of the information technology department. This is the first person in the public service to occupy the position of information director. Public Service Minister Lo Chi-kwong said, "Lin Wai-Jia has extensive professional experience and good management skills and is confident that he can be the technology of the company. Hong Kong's information and communication, smart cities and electronics The development of the government has given a new impetus. "

Luo Zhiguang also praised Yang Debin, who has was appointed director of government information from July 2, 2015 to July 1, 2018. Yang Debin participated in the formulation of the "Blue City Smart City Blueprint". He joined the government before holding the position of Director of Business Development of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks.

Source: Government Information Office

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