Green meter prices have exploded 3 Housing prices in the New Territories have risen more than 10% in six months | Second-hand housing |


The value of HOS apartments rose 10% in six months and the price of Tin Shing Court in Tin Shui Wai to $ 8,243, up 17%. However, the price of the new HOS flats has been adjusted to a market price of about 52%, which should slow down the green price of the third quarter.

10 large green table houses tighten 全 [

social housing rich household policy tightening, as well as driving demand, stimulating the growth of green real estate prices. The newspaper has 10 major green and green jobs in the HOS The price of all housing developments in June this year has increased since last December. The price of Kangshan Garden in Quarry Bay is $ 11,989, which is the most expensive in the subdivisions.

The three subdivisions in the New Territories were the first three, including Tin Shing Court, Tin Shui Wai, Kam Fung Court, Ma On Shan and Lung Mun Estate, Tuen Mun.The price has increased by more than 10% in the first half. The last Tianshengyuan price in June was 8,243 yuan, compared with 7,017 in December 2009. The most significant increase was 17.5% in the first half and the CCL real estate price index of opportunity has increased by 12.5% ​​over the same period.

Longmenju's business figure in mid-year 25 rose 1.5 times

In addition, Longmen in Tuen Mun recorded 25 transactions in the first half of the year, and the volume of transactions has increased 1.5 times. Huang Qingde, senior regional director of Xiangyi Real Estate, pointed out that the main reason is that the housing market has more volume, and the price of real estate is lower than outside the district, attracting buyers from l & # 39; outside.

However, the new housing policy of last week has slowed the market price of 30%, adjusted to about 52%, the news of green goods delivery slowed down, this month Maanshan District has not registered the green leaf trade.

And Tianshengyuan registered a price reduction transaction, which concerns the 8th floor of the Tianshengyuan headquarters, with an area of ​​506 square feet, the original price was 4.2 million yuan last week and 200,000 yuan to 400. Ten thousand yuan (land price not renewed) were sold and the price was 7,905 yuan, the transaction price was the same as that of the same unit in the same seat in March and the cost was slightly lower than 4.13 million yuan.

The original owner entered the market with a price of 775,000 yuan in 2000. He changed hands in 18 years, and his book profit was 3,225 million yuan, an appreciation of 4 times. The agent pointed out that adjusting the property discount rate of the new home, green real estate prices third quarter and commercial performance will slow down, it is expected that & # 39; A new batch of Baiju two buyers will improve when they enter the market.

As for the index of Central Plains CSI brokers, which reflects the opinion of the front-line broker on the real estate market, it has softened after the announcement by the government of the new housing policy, yielding 76.31 points, down 2.04 points per week. The bank estimates that the new housing policy is based on home ownership and has no impact on real estate prices. If CSI does not decline significantly in the coming weeks, the increase in the price of real estate will continue.

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