Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and Dawan IPO mid-year inventory: Guangzhou-Shenzhen Three-legged Dingli Guanfo Financial News-Fort-Sina News Center


Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and Dawan District IPO mid-year inventory: Guangshengang three-legged Dingli Guanfo fort

Guangshen Science and Technology decoding corridor "Capital Innovation" nine: Dawan District Investment financing examination results of entrance to secondary school One reporter, Tan Chudan, Shenzhen Report

In the context of deleveraging, Dawan District of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao continued to display strong capital competitiveness. Whether it is the IPO, New Third Board or PE financing data from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Dawan are among the highest in the country. It is particularly noteworthy that new economic enterprises are becoming the main force in financing multi-level capital markets, and this is an important manifestation of capital innovation in the Bay Area. (Wu Yanling)


Hong Kong The local businesses to be cataloged presented the characteristics of the "big consumer". Guangdong Jiucheng is no longer in the IT category.

The planning of Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and Dawan District will be disclosed soon, and the future is expected.

According to 2017 statistics, the economic aggregate of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan District exceeded 10,000 trillion yuan and approaching the New York Bay area . As one of the indicators for the observation of regional enterprise quality and business capital, IPO is undoubtedly the most concerned about the market.

The 21st Century Economic Reporter compiled data and found that Hong Kong had the highest number of listings in the first half of this year, and that Shenzhen had the highest amount of funds raised. From the point of view of the distribution of clbadified reserve projects, the development of urban agglomerations has a staggered pattern: the three regions of Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong are prominent, and China, Zhu, Wan and Buddha are continuing and compare, while Australia The four regions of Huizhou, Zhaoqing and Jiangmen have performed a little less well.

The IPO of Shenzhen-Hong Kong is active

According to wind statistics, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao had 47 households in the first half of this year, with Hong Kong and Shenzhen being the most performing.

Data show that in the first half of the year, 36 local Hong Kong companies landed in Hong Kong stocks and the number of listed households became the largest in the region. Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

In comparison, the total number of entrepreneurs who landed A shares in 9 cities of Guangdong was only 11 in total. At the city level, Shenzhen has the largest number of listed companies, with 6 in total, Foshan hosts two new listed companies: one in Guangzhou, Dongguan and Zhuhai.

An badyst at the Shenzhen brokerage investment bank said on July 5 that this has a greater relationship with the difference in the registration environment between the two places. Another set of data shows that in 2017, when IPOs were standardized, the number of new listings in Shenzhen reached 24 during the same period. However, from the point of view of the scale of financing, the amount of financing of the 9 mainland cities is higher, or 33.612 billion yuan, of which 300.13 billion yuan, and only 3659 billion yuan.

This is closely related to this year's Big Mac "Industrial Fulian" (6001138.SH) landing A shares, on June 8 its initial fund raising of 27.12 billion yuan. The listing of the company has become one of the highlights of the capital market in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

In addition to Foxconn this year Shenzhen also ushered in a new off-shore business apart, namely "the first cloud computing" – deeply convinced (300454.SZ).

Statistics show that compared to the other two major urban circles – "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei" and "Shanghai-Nanjing-Hangzhou", Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and Dawan District still have strong competitiveness. The first has registered 6 A shares in the first half of this year, with a total fundraising scale of 7.57 billion yuan. The latter has a total of 23 listed companies, raising a total of 22.951 billion yuan.

However, the performance of "Shanghai-Nanjing" in the first half of the year was not inferior. WuXi PharmaTech (603259.SH) has been listed on the new economic enterprise, Huawei, whose business is trading for 16 consecutive days after listing, as well as the field and furniture of the logistics . The list of flagship companies in the industry sector is Debon shares (603056.SH) and Macalline (601828.SH).

Guangzhou First List

In addition to listed companies, clbadified reserve projects are also one of the indicators to observe the competitiveness of the city, which reflects the strength of the city. accumulation of the city.

As of June 30, 66 local businesses were registered in Hong Kong, which is still the first in Guangdong District, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan.

However, among the "nine cities" of mainland China, Guangzhou is the city that has the largest number of IPO reserves in part A. The data show that there are currently 11 projects in the CSRC for the queue and verification, and there are 8 in the board registration and ranking, which has become the most promising city.

Shenzhen is ranked second, with 19 projects checking queues, and no new consulting project during the first half of the year.

In addition, the competitive potential of Dongguan, Zhongshan, Zhuhai and Foshan should not be underestimated.

Among them, five IPO waiting queue projects in Dongguan: three new companies began the consulting period in the first half, in Zhongshan, six IPO companies who embarked on the audit and added a consulting company. Zhuhai and Foshan have four.

In this regard, a brokerage investment bank in Guangzhou said that there are many small and medium private enterprises in the four cities (Wangzhongzhufo), which are small but flexible, and are the main areas of activity of securities companies. "Many of the projects currently listed in these areas come from the new third board. After market changes and capital investments, some have gradually strengthened and reached the registration standard."

In comparison, Huizhou, Jiangmen and Zhaoqing did not perform as well. The four cities above were active: in Huizhou, a new consulting firm was created in the first half of the year and the other two regions did not contribute in a progressive way.

Judging by the industry distribution of companies in queue, the industrial characteristics of the cities of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao are also clearly indicated.

Local companies to quote in Hong Kong have shown the characteristics of "mbad consumption". The top three industries with the highest number of listed companies are "Hotels, Casinos and Recreation Facilities", "Appliances and Supplies" and "Food and Beverages".

And Guangdong Jiucheng is no longer in the computer category. The vast majority of listed and listed reserve projects in Dongguan, Shenzhen and Zhuhai are in the area of ​​"manufacturing computers, communications and other electronic equipment". "Shenzhen has always been the largest computer hardware manufacturing center of southern China, but with the increase in housing prices and prices in Shenzhen, business costs have increased, resulting in spin-offs in other cities .It is important to note that the transfer of Huawei from Shenzhen to in Dongguan is the best example, "said Shenzhen Investment Bank. [19659002] A person from the Shenzhen EP also expressed similar views on July 5. During his research visit, there are many industrial parks or high-tech parks in Foshan and Zhongshan, and there are many companies in Shenzhen.

In addition, Shenzhen has also demonstrated outstanding performance in the areas of "special equipment manufacturing" and "professional technical services." In contrast, registered reserve s in Guangzhou come from all walks of life and are more diverse. Foshan and Zhongshan industries are more concentrated in "manufacturing". (Editor: Wu Yanling)

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