Guangxi First Elementary School Completed One Year Two Floors of High-Gallen Stadium Collapse (17:12) – 20180710 – Cross-Strait – Instant News


Two-storey building in a primary school in Qinzhou, Guangxi, whose steel roof was severely deformed and collapsed on Sunday (8.) Due to holidays, there was no of teachers and students in the building at the time of the incident. Victims However, primary school was only registered in September of last year and some citizens wondered if it was about quality problems. The local Department of Education has sent people to the scene to investigate and add fences to the scene to prevent someone from getting hurt again.

The 39th Primary School of Qinzhou City, which was involved in construction, started construction in 2016. It was completed in July last year and registered in September of the year. same year, with more than 1000 students. The building that almost collapsed on the roof of the building was the stage of the school. The steel structure caused a strong deformation towards the interior, but the weather did not experienced storms recently. Some citizens suspect that there are quality problems. The relevant departments of the city are investigating the cause of the accident and will pursue relevant legal responsibilities based on the results of the investigation.

(Southern China Morning Post)

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