Hainan Wanning small plane crash caused 1 death 1 missing is still search and rescue – cross-strait news – Sina News Center


Original title: Hainan Wanning small plane crash caused 1 death 1 still missing in search and rescue

China News Service Haikou July 5 (Yin Haiming Wang Lei) 5th reporter from Wanning, province of Hainan Fire ] learned that a small amphibious aircraft in Hainan crashed into the Wanning Reservoir during a routine flight . training in the afternoon of July 4, causing the death of two crews. Missing

Starting at 6:00 pm on the 5th, missing persons have still not been found, and the relevant departments of Wanning City are still seeking relief.

According to reports, the wrecked plane is a small plane from Hainan Meiya Tourism Aviation Co., Ltd., two crew aboard are employees of Meiya Travel Airlines while the plane is training. Fall, the cause of the accident is being investigated .

According to the Wanning City Fire Department, the fire control center of Wanning City, Hainan Province received a mbad alarm: an amphibious aircraft in Wanning Reservoir . After falling into the water during the flight training, two people on board were trapped. After receiving the alarm, the 119 Fire Command immediately dispatched four fire trucks, a rubber dinghy, an badault boat and 22 officers and men from the Wancheng Squadron to the scene of the fire. # 39; accident. The person in charge of the government of Wanning City also directed the public security, emergencies, civil affairs, medical and other departments to co-dispose.

After the arrival of firefighters and soldiers on the scene, the staff of the company Meiya and the surrounding villagers dragged the aircraft about 20 meters from the ventral edge, and the nasal part was not in the water. In the end, the tail floated on the surface of the water and the cockpit staff could not be seen. Firefighters and soldiers used the demolition equipment to open the cabin door and cut the left and right wings of the body. A male crew member was found in the cabin. After repeated searches, the fate of another student was unknown. (End)

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