Haishu added 36 groups, the price of 40,466 yuan – Newsletter website hkej.com


SHKP (00016) North Point Haitang was sold for the first time as a price list, it is close to Minqing, it is announced that it will push 36 groups and the average price is up. about 40,466 yuan.

Xindi, the deputy general manager of the company, said that the price list of number 2 has been pushed, providing 36 groups, including 13 units and 6 units, but the sixth unit of the lot is not for sale, and plans to sell the whole The sixth block is rented in the form of an apartment with a lease of about 6 to 12 months, the main reason being that the price of the project is relatively high, that the market will take time to digest and that the rent will be temporarily rented. New high.

Chen Hanlin, general manager of Xindi, pointed out that the 36 gangs listed on the second price list offered a total of 28 one-bedroom units and eight two-bedroom units. The 45 units sold today are close to Minqing, and cash exceeds 600 million yuan, of which about 87 million yuan for the largest households and 6 for the entire floor. The developer will update the price list No. 1 the same day, the unsold units in the price list will be increased by about 2%.

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