Haishu has registered large buyers over 80 million to sweep 6 people – Newsletter website hkej.com


North Point Haitang of Xindi (00016) today sold 45 properties, ranging from open to 2 bedrooms.

Chen Yongjie, vice president and chairman of Zhongyuan Real Estate Asia-Pacific's residential department, said among the group's buyers, seven became investors and three became users. Seven of the clients became buyers from the island of Hong Kong, and Kowloon and the New Territories each accounted for 15%.

The Central Plains have recorded 7 to 8 buyers of large groups, who intend to buy from 2 to 3 units. After the government introduced the new housing policy, developers have accelerated the pace of the market surge.Haishu is a rare luxury residential property on the island of Hong Kong.It is believed that after the Group B completion, all units can be compensated.

Chen Yongjie said that the project has completed the group A subscription. Group A has registered more than 20 units to subscribe. The biggest buyer has subscribed 6 rooms of a total value of more 80 million yuan. 45 units can be erased by a Q.

He believes that the launch of Haishu's silver code is relatively low and 70% of buyers buy it for rent. This week, the developer is taking the step by step and believes that next week will accelerate the push.

He also reported that about 350 transactions have been recorded since July: the new housing policy and the World Cup have affected the volume and volume of transactions, the pace of transactions should be Accelerate in the second half of the month. But even less than the 2,100 cases in June. In terms of opportunity transactions, Chen Yongjie expects that there will be only 3,000 transactions throughout the month.

Bu Shaoming, general manager of the Midland Real Estate Department, said that because Haishu is the center of the island of Hong Kong, it attracts many long-term investors, accounting for about 50% of the clients form the bank. The attendance rate of Midland is now about 70%.

Bu Shaoming said that if divided by region, Hong Kong Island customers accounted for about 60%, while Kowloon District accounted for about 30%, and Xinyi accounted for about 10%. Midland clients and long-term investors make up half of each. He expects that after the completion of the project, the practical rent will reach 85 yuan and the yield will be about 3%. In addition, thanks to its high quality and coastal projects, it also attracts mainland customers, who represent about 30% of customers.

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