Hammond "exploded"! "Bouting Special Attack" hot steel ball next week, ready to welcome the hamster Meta ? | 4Gamers


Blizzard Entertainment officially announces the 28th new hero "Hot Steel Ball" Hamond will be officially installed on July 25, Taiwan time, next time this week, fast fight Get ready for the new Meta impact.

Beware of small mammals ?

A demolition ball rolls in the fight 07.24.18 pic.twitter.com/woK0saBlAq

– Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) 17 de julio de 2018

The hot steel ball pilot is a genetically engineered crazy hamster named Hammond who has traveled all over the world to begin his adventure.

The hot steel ball is currently testing the public test server (PTR), its skill group can roll and can also put bombs, which will pose a considerable threat to the attacker. At the same time, many players have also tested many ridiculous bugs in PTR, problems that should be solved in the official version, such as "wireless spinning".

Of course, many players still question the reason why the new hero does not call "Hammond" but insists on "hot steel ball". It is speculated that a hot steel bullet is just like a bomb rat and a roadblock pig, that is a headline that is quite a head.

In any case, next week you can raise a hamster in the official server, and I feel a little excited.


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