Hao Nan – Jessie pellets are not collected Famous slaves should be responsible? – Hong Kong Economic Times – Instant News Channel – World Cup


Brazil Ming Ming 8 strong battle in Belgium, the focus is whether the coach Teddy will still use the "Jesus" Gabriel Jess, who did not score in the 4th match, for continue to serve as a center, or by the "backup", the top 16 against Mexico The immersed Flemingu has replaced his position.

Jessie played for the first time in Switzerland for 79 minutes, only one shot was not fired, after which, Famingu played 11 minutes and provided two shots. The second battle against Costa Rica and the top 16 against Mexico, Famingo also retreated, but Teddy traded is not "Jesus", but they are Pauline and the former slave. Although Famingu played 86 minutes against Mexico, he played 4 minutes and contributed 1 goal, 3 steals and 5 badists. The data submitted by the reserve are better than the regular election, which asks the 39 Brazilian public opinion to change. The voices of people go up.

"Jesus" is only 1.75 meters tall and has a thin body, it is not good for the support points to collide with opponents, let alone for Wittenham, Gabriel and Ada Verrett of Belton. The form is stronger, why does Teddy always insist on playing the 9th position by "Jesus"?

Strictly defending against his opponents and returning to "Jesus"

There is a voice that if Jessie is not included, Jess actually plays well, works positively and obeys the discipline, also in Brazil The best players who managed to intercept the most (7 games in 7 games) are compatible with stability tactics. In addition, Teddy does not focus on Jess on the offensive, but is wider for Nima and Gutiannu.When two people are on the road, Jess must fill their left position to guard against the counterattack of l & # 39; opponent. Even with the left door at the same time, Brazil has temporarily become one of the best defensive teams this year, thanks to the sacrifice of "Jesus".

Author: Haonan

Column Name: Football Cool Man

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