Haojia corresponds to half a year to change the number of Axiang leave the "food still" Haozi with the advance and entertainment without retirement


2018/07/28 07:41

[Journaliste Hong Sujin / Rapport Taipei] TVBS's "Food Players" food program has been in circulation for more than 10 years and recently, thanks to the 8th file "Female Soldier Diary", the red disc has been opened. And the program was postponed for 1 hour and changed to 23:00, unexpectedly, the fans were dissatisfied.Au "United Daily News", Axiang, Salsa, and Bayu "Food" host were hit because of the delay of the program. At the same time, due to the fact that three people signed a "can not be connected to the program at the same time" with the TV station, the three people have scammed "Food Shang" and have temporarily disappeared from the program, among which Axiang and Haozi belonged to the brokerage firm. Then Haozi goes back and forth, which means that the program loses four hosts at a time.

"Food is still a player" Facebook suddenly announced that it would be broadcast at 23:00, which attracted the dissatisfaction of the fans, and yesterday, Axiang, Salsa and Bazaar broke out, because Sasha and his eight "sisters of the WTO" The meeting will be played against Afghan, Axiang and Sanli, "Guoguang Help", and the Baba will play against "the star of a queen" of the telly. After the three people have signed up with the TV station, they can not be connected at the same time. TVBS said: "At present, I have received the news that the artist is returned" under the contract, can not leave the work ", but now the policy of the Company, the follow-up look can also think of "Two ways to make everything beautiful."

It can be said that Axiang and Haozi can be regarded as the host of "Shangs Food" Before the round from around the world, the fans cried, and they came back in the last half of the year.Haozi also wants to go back and forth with Axiang because the two people belong to the same brokerage company.Thus Axiang hits "Guoguang Help" , he must take a long vacation on the show.Even though Haozi did not touch any program, but the brokerage company and Haojiaxiang did not temporary location. ( Photo, photo by journalist Zhao Shixun) Salsa (left) and Bayu (right) also leave temporarily. ( provided by TVBS)

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