Headline Daily News Headline Network – Luo Fuquan three W continued to create success Ye Chuhang Jianwei Lu Qi Qi


Luo Fuquan three W continued to create good results Ye Chuhang Lv Jianwei Qiqi

Moreira and Panton for the jockey champion, yesterday hit a big wave of awards, each wins four W, and there are four games , Q A PQ string, a real positive fire, and finally Raytheon became a jockey king after the ninth game because of more runners. As for Luo Fuquan and Ye Chuhang, they benefited from Mopan's winning streak and won three wins and three wins respectively, while the rest of Lu Jianwei was split by Raytheon's "Chongcao Star" and "Emperor & # 39". "Courage" Hu. In addition, Champion's third foul was suspended for two days and 30,000 yuan. Huang Jun was fouled for the ninth match and was fined $ 6,250. Luo Fuquan yesterday won the "Fast Horse", "Happy Light" and "Baby of the Table" After opening the position this quarter, it reached 63 W. The results are very satisfying: "The speed horse is worn more early.The eye mask tests are attractive, the game is also used in this battle, the result is a new look, and after a few tries, the warm-up is enough.This speed is good, it must focus on short distances and watch the next season.Reduce ourselves, "Happy Light" can break the record in the future, the reason is that the site is fast, it is estimated that there is 39, other opponents before the game, but I do not think it is more than expected.Is he back home, it will be finalized when will come the time "The baby of the watch" is very brave in the state recent, but there are not many decent hours, because of his American past, he is f to win and win.

As for Ye Chuhang, he started with the "Great Sage" and the "Winning Horse Artifact" After the match he said: "The" Shengshi "lost a lot of opponents in the five clbades , so the performance is completely similarly, it is always good to rely on Panton because the sprinting power is short and he will be redeployed after four quarters of the next season.After the training of "Winning Horse Artifact ", before the departure of Morela, the owner of the horse I agree, originally I wanted to arrange for him to compete for the Valley War on Wednesday, but to relocate to Raytheon, I will beat me for the Tiancao 1.6 meters, the final success is due to the negative weight and the opponent is not strong. "[19659003D'otherhand"SnowSnow"deWeiWeiLuWei"ChongcaoStar"Etsushi"smoothsailing"ontétéconstruitshierparMoreiraetPantonL'ancienartistemartialSuWeixianadit"Lenomdelaneige仗仗仗仗aétéunetrèsbonneperformancesurtoutlaseulebatailleestseulementperduedanslamalchancebienqu'elleaituncertainpouvoirdecombatmaislaforcen'estpabadceptionnelleseulementespoirquelasantéestnormalepeutgagnerleprixpourlepropriétaireducheval"

Lu Jianwei, the & # 39; Star Cordyceps coach, said: "After the battle of the" Treasure Star "over 1200 meters, I wondered if this time should be extended a thousand meters, and the result is still short. I did not make a turn in this game, so I hit him, and he "

Su Sil, a sailing coach, said," I'm happy to win 40 games this season and I hope to be able to maintain good results for the coming season. The clbad is supportive, and the recent state is brave.The Pantheon Panden is also suited to the position.The result is quite easy to win.However, this season will return to all three clbades, the situation may not be favorable, and maybe wait for another clbad.

In addition, Guo Neng, who had withdrawn from the battlefield for lack of water in the middle of the day, can participate in the match as usual Wednesday, but must obtain a certificate medical. Du Lilai, who does not have a license next season, has requested early departure, and the last two events will not accept the appointment.

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