Hong Kong kings appear in metro riots


2018/07/23 06:33

Ying Caier (right) yesterday met Tianwang Superstar at the Hong Kong subway station. (Reflection of Ying Caier IG)

[Entertainment Channel / Rapport détaillé] Hong Kong star Ying Caier, 35, took a photo at the IG Open and a Hong Kong superstar at Central Metro Station yesterday. Hua Tsai "Andy Lau."

Ying Caier, born in Taiwan, and Chen Xiaochun, a Hong Kong star, got married in 2010. After the wedding, they have a son, Jasper, and a family of three is Ying Caier was shocked and Liu Dehua took a group photo with surprise in the subway because the two people played in the movie "Two days against drugs" Yesterday was the press conference

and Ying Caier took a group photograph with Tian Wang superstar Andy Lau (left). Reflection of Ying Caier IG)

In the photo, two people are happy and reveal a smile, after which they have to leave a message saying "It's so happy to laugh". fans guess that 2 people are dating? Calling Hua Tsai will never be old.

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