Hong Kong media heavy interviews with Chinese officials to pursue the strategic shift of the South China Sea South in the party? | Xi Jinping | Wang Huning


[New Dynastie Tang, Beijing, 07 juillet 2018] Recently, the Hong Kong media interviewed several Chinese officials on the Sino-US trade war. Instead of blaming the United States, these officials blame the main responsibility for the trade war for the fact that some Chinese Communist Party officials and the media "distort Xi Jinping's strategic thinking" and rashly challenge the status of the states. -United.

On July 6, the day the Sino-US tariff war began, the Hong Kong media "Hong Kong 01" published an exclusive interview of several "anonymous officials" of the Chinese Communist Party to interpret the trade war. Judging by the content of the dialogue, the interviewees included representatives of the diplomatic system, ministries and the economic sector.

In addition to talking about trade war countermeasures, these officials also said that China's ultimate goal is to resolve the trade war and reach a new compromise between China and the United States. United. .

In addition, the most talked about by these officials is who is responsible for the trade war. Rarely did they blame the US government, but instead delegated responsibility to some party officials and media within the CCP.

Some officials said that Xi Jinping never gave up "keep a low profile", but the reality was slightly "adjusted" according to the situation. However, the diplomatic ideas of "the broad Pacific Ocean can accommodate China and the United States" and "the initiative a belt, a road" proposed by the Chinese Communist Party have been "distorted" by some Communist Party officials Chinese and some media. The scope of self-fancy, imprudent spread of the CCP "climb", the layout of the external expansion, trying to dominate the world.

They believe that these inappropriate statements and practices within the party have prompted the United States to retaliate and lead to a trade war.

Some officials believe that the real enemy of the CCP is not the United States, but of the CCP's interior. It is not the Trump administration that has created a dangerous situation in the trade war: it is the people within the CCP who have made the "unfair winds" that are fuzzy and distorted.

There are also officials who say that we should investigate the internal problems of the CCP, and those who have "made judgments unfit to issue unwarranted orders" and some media that have "made national populism "should bear the main responsibility.

In the face of trade wars, conflicts between the main warring factions and the main factions within the CCP have always existed. Beijing authorities have launched a high-level "fight" and stepped up market opening measures, indicating that both forces are working.

Some badysts believe that on the day of the official war between China and the United States, the above-mentioned interviews targeted officials and the media who supported the United States through "anonymous officials" and represented the strategy of the United States. United States. Will change.

US media have already commented that the trade war provoked a "political crisis" in Xi Jinping, and the CCP's anti-reformist forces in the party could wait for opportunities.

At present, the Sino-US trade war has begun, and the Beijing authorities will likely continue to make concessions to the United States in order to avoid the economic collapse. In this case, if you release the main faction of the war, you can suppress the voice of the opposition within the group.

The Hong Kong "South China Morning Post" recently reported that Xi Jinping set the tone for the domestic trade war: one principle is that the trade war "must strike", but to control the scale and avoid threatening yourself. China continues to open. "

In the event that the international community generally accuses the CCP of unfair trade practices, it is unlikely that foreign governments will" block "the CCP's market opening. for "nothing can stop China from continuing to open" is likely to be directed against the CCP.

Taiwan's "World Journal" cited "circle insiders" saying that Wang Qishan, Liu He, Wang Yang, Hu Jintao and other pragmatists know that the national force is exhausted and unbearable, but "the members of the party who are not practical" and the "conservative conservatives" strongly defend the feelings Nationalists and advocate war with the United States.

The insiders also said, "I do not know if Xi Jinping is trying to maintain the balance of the court, or the conservatives who are arrogant and arrogant, and they are allowed to go However, the Sino-US war has led to a sharp deterioration of the Chinese economy: the authorities have ordered "to immediately suppress the chains of conservatives and party members, and have announced the gate opening and white flag ". People inside the circle said that Xi could balance between the main battle and the main and the two factions: on the one hand, speak verbally in the United States, no bad quality, shout a tooth for a tooth, on the other hand, order the removal of conservatives and party officials. Nationalism is endemic, announcing a new opening of the portal.

(Full Report of Journalist Jing Feng / Publisher: Ming Xuan)

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