Hong Kong no longer loses temptation on the continent – DW (Chinese)

The landscape is no longer Hong Kong loses the temptation of mainland DW (Chinese)

(Chinese Network of German Voices) When Xiao Wu was a girl, she traveled several times a year by train from mainland China to Hong Kong, where she bought clothes and designer bags. But now, the 23-year-old computer programmer living in Shenzhen has the feeling that after 20 years of returning to China, Hong Kong has lost its appeal to many mainland residents. "Chinese products are now as good as imported and even better products." Xiao Wu is now more willing to buy online at his home in Shenzhen. "There are a lot of new buildings and shopping malls everywhere, and they are also well designed, there are also many parks and subway lines, and last year, Shenzhen skyscrapers covered more than United States and Australia. " After that, China has become a global economic powerhouse and a vibrant cultural and consumer industry. In Beijing and Shanghai, the tastes and qualities of bars and restaurants follow one another, as is an avant-garde art district: shopping centers are multiplying, surpbading Hong Kong, where land space is limited. Since 1997, China has emerged from the world's 7th largest economy and has become the engine of global economic growth. The Hong Kong ranking went from 24th to 33rd place. Although the mainland import tax still remains much higher than that of Hong Kong, the mainlanders who frequented the luxury flagship store on the famous Guangdong Road in Hong Kong to buy famous brands will now move on to Paris or New York to sweep the goods. In recent years, the number of mainland tourists to Hong Kong has continued to decline, with a decrease of nearly 7% year-on-year in 2016. Last year, Shanghai Disneyland opened its doors, attracting millions of tourists and diverting Hong Kong Disney customers. Even the cultural industry of Hong Kong has been gradually "destroyed" on the continent. In the "golden age" of Hong Kong movies in the 1990s, Hong Kong films were once popular in continental cinemas. "Hong Kong's films and music have gradually been removed from our lives, replaced by a variety of music and entertainment festivals made on the continent …

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